2011 Teva Mountain Games: Vail Bouldering World Cup Final Results

2011 Teva Mountain Games: Vail Bouldering World Cup Final Results

The Vail Bouldering World Cup at the 2011 Teva Mountain Games has come and gone.  For the first time in the 4 years the TMG has hosted this World Cup no Americans stood atop the podium at the end of the comp with Alex Puccio (2nd) and Angie Payne (6th) being the only Americans to even make it to finals.  Last year’s winner for the men, Daniel Woods, finished in 11th place with Julian Bautista having the best showing for the American men finishing in 9th.

The comp was won in impressive fashion by a resurgent Kilian Fischhuber who flashed all 4 problems in finals after not even making finals the past two world cups while fellow Austrian Anna Stöhr finished all 4 problems on her way to victory.  Here are the rest of the results:

2011 Bouldering World Cup – Vail, CO
Men’s Final Results Women’s Final Results
  1. Kilian Fischhuber AUT 4t4 4b4
  2. Dmitry Sharafutdinov RUS 4t5 4b5
  3. Jonas Baumann GER 2t4 4b6
  4. Rei Sugimoto JPN 2t11 4b13
  5. Guillaume Glairon-Mondet FRA 0t 4b9
  6. Chris Webb-Parsons AUS 0t 3b14

USA Finishes

  • 9.  Julian Bautista
  • 11.  Daniel Woods
  • 12.  Austin Geiman
  • 14.  Zach Lerner
  • 17.  Ian Dory
  • 19.  Carlo Traversi
  • 28.  Dave Wetmore
  • 29.  Matt Wilder
  • 33.  Kyle Owen
  • 37.  Josh Larson
  • 40.  Ryan Sewell
  • 44.  Alex Johnson
  • 46.  Garrett Gregor

Full Men’s Results

  1. Anna Stöhr AUT 4t7 4b7
  2. Alex Puccio USA 3t3 3b3
  3. Melissa Le Neve FRA 3t8 4b9
  4. Jain Kim KOR 2t3 2b2
  5. Akiyo Noguchi JPN 2t4 2b2
  6. Angie Payne USA 2t7 3b7

USA Finishes

  • 7.  Alex Johnson
  • 9.  Dana Riddle
  • 12.  Tiffany Hensley
  • 13.  Tyler Youngwerth
  • 17.  Chelsea Rude
  • 19.  Kasia Pietras
  • 23.  Francesca Metcalf
  • T-25.  Sarah Shaw
  • 27.  Portia Menlove
  • 28.  Courtney Sanders
  • 31.  Isabelle Faus
  • T-32.  Melissa Godowksi

Full Women’s Results

Not sure what scores like 0t 4b9 mean?  Check out this post where I tried my best to explain the World Cup scoring system.

Here are a few stories and media that have cropped up since things wrapped up on Saturday.  I’ll continue to add to the list as events warrant:

I was able to watch the livestream of the women’s qualifying round and the beginning of a very laggy men’s qualifying round, but I was unable to watch any of the action on Saturday.  If you tuned in to either the IFSC.tv feed or the Rock & Ice feed to watch semi-finals and finals I’d love to hear your feedback in the comments on how things went.

The Bouldering World Cup circuit takes a break for a couple of weeks now before reconvening in Eindhoven, Netherlands the weekend of June 17th.

Posted In: Bouldering, News, Teva Mountain Games, World Cup
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13 Responses to 2011 Teva Mountain Games: Vail Bouldering World Cup Final Results

  1. Peter Beal June 6, 2011 at 2:14 pm #


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  2. Adam June 6, 2011 at 4:18 pm #

    FYI Melissa Le Neve is from France.  

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    • Narc June 6, 2011 at 4:20 pm #

      Many thanks for the correction

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  3. Andrew Hou June 6, 2011 at 5:47 pm #

    The livestream during the finals was great, with good footage and camera angles. The format where everyone went through each problem together was cool, allowing us to easily keep track of what was going on. 

    However, the announcing for Rock and Ice by Alex Johnson and friend(?) left a little to be desired…. Timmy O’Neill probably would’ve been more interesting to listen to. I figure that as the sport matures for spectators, we’ll begin to see better color commentary. Simply repeating what country each person is from and the basic rules of the comp is pretty boring, it’d be nice to hear more about the individuals themselves. How about when they started climbing? Their outdoor sends? How they train for comps? 

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    • Justin June 6, 2011 at 6:53 pm #

      Timmy O’Neil as MC was not interesting to listen to…

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    • Jackie June 6, 2011 at 7:43 pm #

      I saw this event live and therefore did not hear Alex Johnson’s commentary, but I did hear her commentary on the Austria event and I thought it was fantastic.  She knows all the competitors personally and her insight about them made for a much more interesting listen than the standard announcer who doesn’t really know anything about the climbers and often can’t even pronounce their names right.  Timmy does a fairly good job, but I think having pro competitors like Alex continue to do commentary will be better for the sport and better for the viewers.

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      • Andrew Hou June 7, 2011 at 9:28 am #

        I agree, the commentary on the Austria event was really good, I thought it was much better that time. What do you think of getting setters to give commentary? Insight to the climbs themselves might be interesting.

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      • Narc June 7, 2011 at 11:38 am #

        One person on the ClimbingNarc facebook page said her commentary was good, but that she was “saying stuff that was frequently wrong about the standings or competitors and often the mic picked up stuff she meant to be off mic (ie. cheering and even a big F-bomb).”

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  4. Andrew Hou June 6, 2011 at 5:47 pm #

    The livestream during the finals was great, with good footage and camera angles. The format where everyone went through each problem together was cool, allowing us to easily keep track of what was going on. 

    However, the announcing for Rock and Ice by Alex Johnson and friend(?) left a little to be desired…. Timmy O’Neill probably would’ve been more interesting to listen to. I figure that as the sport matures for spectators, we’ll begin to see better color commentary. Simply repeating what country each person is from and the basic rules of the comp is pretty boring, it’d be nice to hear more about the individuals themselves. How about when they started climbing? Their outdoor sends? How they train for comps? 

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  5. Carlos Lugo June 7, 2011 at 9:35 pm #

    Maybe I’m missing something… you said, “For the first time in the 4 years the TMG has hosted this World Cup no Americans stood atop the podium at the end of the comp,” but Puccio took second in the event.
    Can you clarify that statement?

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    • Narc June 7, 2011 at 9:44 pm #

      I meant that no American climber won their respective division this
      year. Jonson and Puccio won in ’08 and ’09 and Woods won in ’10.

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      • David Reifert June 8, 2011 at 8:25 pm #

        Can you please clarify who “Jonson” is please?  sarc

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        • Narc June 8, 2011 at 8:27 pm #


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