Archive | August, 2010
Video Of Angie Payne’s FFA Of The Automator (V13) Now Online

Video Of Angie Payne’s FFA Of The Automator (V13) Now Online

DPM has the video of Angie Payne’s recent repeat of the RMNP, CO testpiece The Automator (V13)

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2nd Ascent Of Monkey Wedding (V15) By Paul Robinson

2nd Ascent Of Monkey Wedding (V15) By Paul Robinson

It sounds like Paul Robinson has ended his 2 month trip to South Africa’s Rocklands with a bang

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Hard Repeat For Anthony Chertudi At Causey

According to his scorecard Anthony Chertudi has repeated Vampire Direct (5.14c) at Causey, UT.  Vampire Direct, which adds an “extremley [sic] crimpy and body intensive V12″ start to an existing 5.14a called Vampire Cafe, was first done by Pete Lowe in 2005.

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Weekend News

Weekend News

A few notable sends that caught my eye recently and sad news from the Alps…

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Video Friday:  Mexican Big Walls, Lincoln Lake & New Video Page

Video Friday: Mexican Big Walls, Lincoln Lake & New Video Page

The weekend is almost here and what better way to get ready for any weekend of climbing than to watch a couple of videos, right?

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One Less Fred Nicole B3 Boulder In Rocklands

One of Fred Nicole’s unrepeated and proposed V15ish boulder problems in Rocklands, South Africa was repeated the other day.
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 No, it wasn’t Paul Robinson repeating Monkey Wedding, rather it was Arjan de Kock repeating Golden Shadow and suggesting a grade of V14 on his 8a logbook.  de Kock also did the first repeat of Paul Robinson’s The Big Short, suggesting a downgrade to V13.

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First Stone Fort Bouldering Guide To Be Released Soon

Just in time for the prime conditions of the year, Greener Grass Publishing will be releasing the first guidebook to bouldering at Tennessee’s Stone Fort (formerly Little Rock City) in early October.  You can check out a few sample pages here and pre-order a copy for $19.99 here if you’re so inclined.

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