Archive | September, 2011

El Cap Report Returns…Again

After a brief retirement, the El Cap Report is back for the fall season!

Yo… Yep the Report is back!!!  Friends of YOSAR have agreed to let me use their internet connection, which should make things much better for doing the Report.
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  Donate something to their site, not just for me, but for all the great work they do in Yosemite!

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2011 Reel Rock Film Tour Kicks Off Tonight

2011 Reel Rock Film Tour Kicks Off Tonight

A look at the 6th edition of the Reel Rock Film tour which kicks off tonight

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News & Notes – 9/14/2011

News & Notes – 9/14/2011

News & Notes from Sasha DiGiulian, Ben Spannuth, Dai Koyamada and a slew of upcoming access related events…

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Multiple Hard Sends By Ashima Shiraishi In Kentucky

27Crags interviews Ashima Shiraishi after her first trip to Kentucky’s Red River Gorge which yielded repeats of multiple 5.
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13s including the 5.13d Swingline.  Already somewhat well-known for bouldering harder than her age, this 10 year-old is about to get a lot more well-known when the 2011 Reel Rock Film tour kicks off this Thursday.

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Sendtember Well Under Way In Rifle

Sendtember Well Under Way In Rifle

Jonathan Siegrist, Sam Elias and Keller Rinaudo kick off sendtember in Rifle, CO

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The Other Side Of Life As Alex Honnold

Adventure Journal catches up with Alex Honnold to discuss the fact that although he may be one of the world’s best climbers, his lifestyle and diet are not exactly glamorous:

I have a 2002 Ford Econoline van that I live out of. And no, it’s not glamorous at all. Sorry, but camping is not cool when you’re a homeless person. When you’re doing it all year, well it’s just not romantic. There’s a reason people live in cities. Do you know how I often I say to myself, “I could really use a shower!”?

Click here for many more stories about Alex Honnold

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Final Words From Adam Ondra On His Rocklands Trip

Final Words From Adam Ondra On His Rocklands Trip

A final update from Adam Ondra’s most recent trip to Rocklands, South Africa

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