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Tony Lamiche Ode Video

Tony Lamiche Ode Video

Last week Tony Lamiche made the 5th ascent of Daniel Woods’s Mt. Evans, CO testpiece Ode to the Modern Man (V14).  You can see video of the send by clicking here. He also has a very cool personal website with some great photos of himself, Matt Wilder, Dave Graham and Ty Landman climbing at Mt. […]

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The Best Boulderer in the World…

…only climbs V10 outside? Apparently this is true when it comes to Russian Dmitry Sharafutdinov who won the Bouldering World Championships last week in Aviles, Spain. This probably speaks to the amount of time Dmitry spends climbing and training inside more than anything, but the results of the comp are somewhat telling with respect to […]

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Devil’s Lake: John Cow Edition

Devil’s Lake: John Cow Edition

Berkeley Foreplay Charybdis Thanks Chris!

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Front Range Freaks?

If you are still bored at work/school today and want to do some reading on how some Frontrange climbers hash out their differences then head over to the FRB message boards. The issue of late has been whether or not it is ok to stash bouldering gear at alpine bouldering destinations such as RMNP and […]

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Video Friday

Here are a few videos to help pass your Friday: Check out the Dailies #4 video at MometumVM for footage of Ethan Pringle working out the moves of Es Pontas. Apparently a bit harder than he was expecting…and he is working the top crux on toprope. Ty Landman bouldering with a rope on Rumors of […]

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It’s been about 7 months since I brought my unhealthy obsession with climbing to the internet.  I don’t think I ever thought that I would still be injured after all this time, but I also don’t think I ever thought that I would stick to updating this site and expanding on it the way I […]

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Ethan Pringle Realization Video

Yesterday I had a post entitled More Momentum that talked about the new updates to MomentumVM.  They really weren’t kidding when they said that updates would be rapid and daily in nature. Today they have posted a video of Ethan Pringle on his repeat of Realization.  Check it while it’s still up.

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