Posted In: Pictures, Traditional Climbing
[…] the first pitches in at Devil’s Lake, it has become somewhat of a joke between myself and Old School that we need to be the first people out. Maybe it is because there isn’t much else to do or […]
[…] snow, wind and generally miserable weather leading up to the class I was teaching last weekend with Chris at Devil’s Lake had us gripping all week….for no reason…mostly. Saturday […]
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If you haven’t done Brinton’s Crack, it is very good and full value for the grade.
It is next on the ticklist for leads…we just have to get to it before the groups one of these weekends.
How is it that you know about climbs at DL now?
How? Hasn’t everybody from the midwest grown up climbing there? Foreplay is a great little starter lead for a newbee. Crack is loaded with placements for gear and the tree is the perfect place for making it a 2 pitch climb.
You guys, We’re really missing the point by not commenting on the pics of Old School. Man, That’s what I like about the Narc give the people what they want. Brinton’s is sweet, don’t forget to jump on Congradulations.
i spent labor day weekend 1999 there. my big send was flashing the Gill Flatiron! SIcK!
Nice. I’m almost too embarassed to even admit that I haven’t ever even tried the flatiron!
Congratulations will be done sooner than later. In fact, I haven’t seen a single person on it the past 3 Sundays so long lines can’t be used for an excuse.
I always give the people what they want, you know that.
Not necessarily true, For instance Sarah and I want the team website updated.
How about I trade you a team website update for a blogsite update with pictures from Saturday’s bouldering adventures…by Wednesday.
Well, you drive a hard bargain, but I accept your offer.
Tony, I’m on your side. I keep saying, we’ve got to get on that, updating the team site, but the ol’ Narc isn’t having any of it..you know he’s an elitist like that…all about bigger and better, fame and fortune 🙂
Hey Climbing Narc, at least you didn’t grossly overestimate the temperatures at the Lake this weekend, props for that. I think I might actually be nearing full lung capacity this week!
Hey, who took those fab pictures? Must be a real professional with a real expensive camera.
Man, show more pictures of old school. Vintage. He must have climbed with Pete and Tommy back in the day. He’s making that 11c look easy.
I think I saw another pic of old school on the e-mail thingy climbing with Pete and Tommy, man he looks good for a man in his 40’s
Gill’s Flatiron…check…no flash though!