Tag Archives | Road Trips
RMNP: Kind Boulder

RMNP: Kind Boulder

During our time in RMNP last month, one of the highlights for me was revisiting the Kind Boulder near Emerald Lake.buy premarin online https://mb2dental.com/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/components/data/new/premarin.html no prescription  It was one of the boulders I had distinct memories of visiting on my prior RMNP trip 7 years ago.  Unfortunately, time dulled my memory of the specific directions […]

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Amateur Hour At Devil’s Lake

Amateur Hour At Devil’s Lake

After two frustrating weekends that involved no outdoor climbing, this past weekend we made it out to the quartzite bluffs of Devil’s Lake.  The crew consisted of Mrs. Narc, Old School, Mrs. Old School and myself. Needless to say, dozens of e-mails back and forth all week had my palms sweating in anticipation. We spent […]

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May I Buy You A Compass?

May I Buy You A Compass?

Guest post from Mrs. Narc: As any Narc reader knows, this summer was packed with climbing adventures for the Narc and me.  Being that he possesses the vast majority of our combined climbing knowledge, I’m usually content to let him do the trip planning and guiding.  Our vistit to Yosemite was no exception.  Planning to […]

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Yosemite Trad: Learning Lessons On ‘After Six’

Yosemite Trad: Learning Lessons On ‘After Six’

I am a firm believer in learning something new every time I climb a route.  Whether it is a new body position to do a move, a different way to rest, a better method for placing gear or something else that improves my climbing, I’m always looking for it.  Unfortunately, our first route on our […]

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Yosemite Trad:  Dog Crack

Yosemite Trad: Dog Crack

Eddie attempting the overhanging 5.buy augmentin online www.adentalcare.com/wp-content/themes/medicare/fonts/engl/augmentin.html no prescription 12 finger crack Dog Crack near the Wawona Tunnel in Yosemite Valley:     Here is the full gallery:

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Yosemite Bouldering:  Largo Lunge

Yosemite Bouldering: Largo Lunge

Largo Lunge is one of the more fun easy problems in Yosemite’s Camp 4.  As with just about all problems (of any grade) in Yosemite though, this V0 is no gimme.buy xifaxan online https://rxbuywithoutprescriptiononline.net/dir/xifaxan.html no prescription   Here is Mrs. Narc getting it done: For a full gallery, click here

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I Can’t Believe I Am Alive To Write This Trip Report

You will never believe what happened to us during our recent drive to the Red River Gorge in Kentucky…

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