Tag Archives | Road Trips
Summer 2001 Road Trip: RMNP Bouldering

Summer 2001 Road Trip: RMNP Bouldering

RMNP Bouldering A few more pictures from “The Park” Mike Nash attempting an unkown problem near the Kind Traverse Mike attempting the hyperclassic Deep Puddle Dynamics (V9) Sundev Lohr attempting Deep Puddle Dynamics Sundev climbing a problem just right of The Gobot

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Summer 2001 Road Trip: Camp Dick

Summer 2001 Road Trip: Camp Dick

Camp Dick Peter was friends with a local named Josh Heiney who was nice enough to take us on a tour of a what I believe was a newer area at the time, Camp Dick. Though the rock was a bit rough on the hands compared to the Park I really had a fun time […]

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Summer 2001 Road Trip: Chaos Canyon

Summer 2001 Road Trip: Chaos Canyon

Chaos Canyon There isn’t much you can say to describe the bouldering and the atmosphere at Chaos Canyon in Rocky Mountain National Park. It has to be one of the best settings to climb at in the entire country and it has some of the best hard lines anywhere.buy strattera online https://rxbuywithoutprescriptiononline.com/dir/strattera.html no prescription Unfortunately […]

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Summer 2001 Road Trip

Summer 2001 Road Trip

It seems like a different lifetime, but back in the summer of 2001 I went on a one month road trip after I graduated from High School. The destinations were Colorado for some alpine bouldering and Wyoming for some limestone sport climbing. As time permits over the next week or two I will be posting […]

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Spring Break

Spring Break

I guess it’s not really called “Spring Break” any more for me now that I work for a living, but nevertheless this past weekend/week served as our Spring Break trip for the year. I was a bit apprehensive about climbing as I hadn’t really been able to test out my rehabbed arm prior to the […]

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