Tag Archives | Road Trips
Sandstone Violence

Sandstone Violence

Over the past month, as Fall conditions have finally arrived here in Wisconsin, I have been slowly working my way through some of the harder problems at Governor Dodge in an attempt to get some fitness back.  The end goal has been to repeat the classic problem Sandstone Violence (V8).  I have been wanting to […]

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Theater Of The Absurd

Theater Of The Absurd

My Dad often asks me why I don’t just use a ladder to get to the top of a boulder when I tell him about our various bouldering excursions.  That’s a valid question I suppose, but what he doesn’t understand is all the great aspects of climbing that go into a day at the boulders.  […]

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Horseshoe Canyon Ranch Bouldering

Horseshoe Canyon Ranch Bouldering

Two weekends ago we took the kids from our climbing team on an 11+ hour drive to try out the bouldering at the Horseshoe Canyon Ranch in Jasper, Arkansas. Based on both awesome segments in both Dosage III and V and much verbal hyping, we were expecting no less than a world class bouldering area. As with most things in life, reality often fails to meet one’s expectations.

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Central Wisconsin Sandstone Bouldering

Central Wisconsin Sandstone Bouldering

I have to admit that I lived the past several years in a bubble, believing that Devil’s Lake was the only place to climb in the entire state of Wisconsin.  Thanks to the generous beta donations of many on MountainProject.com, the bubble is quickly popping.  Many, many areas have been added and it seems like […]

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“Fifty Words…” & Horseshoe Canyon Ranch Sneak Peak

“Fifty Words…” & Horseshoe Canyon Ranch Sneak Peak

Fifty Words For… …Get A Life??  …A Job??  I’m not really sure what to make of the mini-melodrama that took place at the Red this weekend.  Here is a brief synopsis for those interested in reading about immature climber antics. There is a route at the Red River Gorge in KY called Fifty Words For […]

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How Do You Think Our Trip To Rocktoberfest Went?

How Do You Think Our Trip To Rocktoberfest Went?

This past weekend I made the trip to the Red River Gorge in Kentucky with Mrs. Narc, Kevlar and Sarah.  We all had high hopes of climbing well and having a good time at the Rocktoberfest party.  As with most things these days for Mrs. Narc and I, events  rarely go as planned (you will […]

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Taylors Falls

Taylors Falls

This weekend we made a brief 2 day roadtrip to Minnesota.  On Friday night we attended the “Sweet 16” party at Vertical Endeavors St. Paul.  They were celebrating 16 years of business, and we were on hand to do a shoe demo for our favorite shoe company, Five Ten.  Overall, the party seemed like a […]

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