Problems Archives: Algerita (V13)
Climbing Video:  Paul Robinson At The 2009 Hueco Rock Rodeo

Climbing Video: Paul Robinson At The 2009 Hueco Rock Rodeo

Video of Paul Robinson cruising double digit boulders at the 2009 Hueco Rock Rodeo

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Paul Robinson Wins 2009 Hueco Rock Rodeo

Paul Robinson Wins 2009 Hueco Rock Rodeo

Paul Robinson made his return of sorts to outdoor bouldering this past weekend at the Hueco Rock Rodeo.  Apparently spending the past 5+ months rehabbing from his broken ankle hasn’t slowed him down much.  In fact, his performance at the HRR combined with his performance at ABS Nationals last month makes it look as though […]

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Hueco Tanks Update:  Hukkataival, Cardwell, Wilder and More

Hueco Tanks Update: Hukkataival, Cardwell, Wilder and More

Bouldering news from Hueco Tanks, TX including a new V13 from Nalle Hukkataival and Jon Cardwell as well as a slew of V13 repeats. Other news makers include Matt Wilder, Andre Di Felice and Ryan Olson.

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Dave Graham Doing What Dave Graham Does:  Sending V13s

Dave Graham Doing What Dave Graham Does: Sending V13s

It continues to be a somewhat slow winter on the uber difficult boulder front, but that doesn’t mean that nothing is happening out lipitor online no prescription   Dave Graham is back stateside which can mean only one thing:  climbing more V13s. Starting off on Flagstaff Mountain in Boulder, CO, Graham made a […]

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