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Video Friday – 7/26/2013
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→ Summer Is A Finite Resource∞
Now is the time to bail out of work at 4 p.m., or 3 p.m., and head to your favorite crag, trail, or hill climb. Or get up at 5 a.m. and do something fun before you head into the office. You can Tivo all those shows or baseball games or whatever it is on TV tonight.
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You cannot Tivo summer sunsets, riding your bike around city streets in the dark, eating ice cream cones on park benches, and your dog’s relentless enthusiasm for fetching that ball no matter how many times you throw it.
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You’ve been warned.
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→ Lead Now Tour∞
Best of luck to Paige Claassen and Jon Glassberg as they get underway with their ambitious effort to raise $120,000 for charity as part of their 12 month tour around the world:
Lead Now is a global tour to inspire people through rock climbing. With a one month deadline in each country, professional rock climber Paige Claassen pushes women’s climbing standards around the globe to inspire people of all cultures to lead a life of adventure.
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Through CrowdRise the Lead Now team raises money to enable women and children to sustain their own communities while solving diverse social problems. Each month, Lead Now releases a video episode of the past month’s adventure of culture, climbing, and community.
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. First stop is South Africa where Paige will be raising money for the Room to Read charity.
Magic: The Climbing

Popular Posts & Videos For April 2013
The most popular posts and videos for April 2013
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I Did Not Know That. I Learned Something Today.
You learn something new every day…
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Woods, Durif Win At 2013 SCS Nationals
Daniel Woods and Charlotte Durif win at 2013 SCS Nationals
- Alex Fritz, Angie Payne, Carlo Traversi, Charlotte Durif, Chauncenia Carroll, Chelsea Rude, Cicada Jenerik, Daniel Woods, Delaney Miller, Elan Jonas Mcrae, Jon Cardwell, Josh Levin, Kyra Condie, Meagan Martin, Nina Williams, Noah Ridge, Rob D'Anastasio, Sasha DiGiulian, Tiffany Hensley, Vasya Vorotnikov
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Jared: Use to visit this site daily. Miss you Narc! Hope ...
chris marcolini: Did you ever find the falling block?...
Nate: The narc lives on, at least as an archive. Miss th...
- Climbing Controversy: Behind the Decades-Long Conflict Roiling the Sport’s Elite - Swiss Cycles: […] the world’s first consensus 5.15b in 2...
- Climbing Controversy: Behind the Decades-Long Conflict Roiling the Sport’s Elite - Swiss Cycles: […] that they didn’t see repeats for decad...
J: Two slings half inch webbing 24 inch sewn slings w...
Animull89: So gnarly that he did that twice...I remember the ...
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- Project Fear April 2, 2015
Miller, Lightner Win 2015 SCS Nationals April 1, 2015
- Mikey Schaefer And FORCE April 1, 2015
- CEC Canadian Bouldering Nationals 2015 March 31, 2015