A few News & Notes as I get caught up from nearly 2 weeks away from a computer

Not A Bad Ticklist…For A Lifetime
Jonathan Siegrist’s ticklist at the Red River Gorge continues to grow
2 5.14c FAs by Charlotte Durif
In the past month, France’s Charlotte Durif has done two 5.
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14c FAs, The Wall at Combe La Vielle and the amazing looking roof climb Pull Over at Grotte de Galetas.
Adam Ondra’s Hardest Route Yet
A likely sign of things to come, Adam Ondra has done the FA of what he considers his hardest route yet at a crag near Sardinia, Italy. Dubbed Marina Superstar, Ondra felt the route could be as hard as 5.15a/b, but only time will tell.
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Read a more in depth description of the climb (with pictures) here. Excellent interview here.

Adam Taylor Punches Golden Ticket At The Red
Adam Taylor opens perhaps the most difficult line at the Red River Gorge

Jonathan Siegrist Is Motivated, Sends Lucifer (5.14c) With Quickness
Jonathan Siegrist rolls into the Red River Gorge in Kentucky and promptly sends one of the area’s hardest sport climbs
Hard Sends By Weaver, Robinson, Johnson & Puccio
Brad Weaver has done what I believe to be the 4th the 5th ascent of Mike Doyle’s Lucifer (5.14c) at the Red River Gorge, KY.
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Over in Utah, Paul Robinson did the 2nd ascent of James Litz’s Finger Hut Direct (V13) at Joe’s Valley. Also in Joe’s Valley, Alex Puccio and Alex Johnson both dispatched 3 V10’s in a day.
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Nate: The narc lives on, at least as an archive. Miss th...
- Climbing Controversy: Behind the Decades-Long Conflict Roiling the Sport’s Elite - Swiss Cycles: […] the world’s first consensus 5.15b in 2...
- Climbing Controversy: Behind the Decades-Long Conflict Roiling the Sport’s Elite - Swiss Cycles: […] that they didn’t see repeats for decad...
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Animull89: So gnarly that he did that twice...I remember the ...
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Miller, Lightner Win 2015 SCS Nationals April 1, 2015
- Mikey Schaefer And FORCE April 1, 2015
- CEC Canadian Bouldering Nationals 2015 March 31, 2015