Archive | November, 2008
A Conspiracy Theory That Has Nothing To Do With The Election

A Conspiracy Theory That Has Nothing To Do With The Election

A few weeks back, Skyler Weeks opened a new dyno at Clear Creek Canyon, CO called Zion.  You might be asking yourself, who is Skyler Weeks and why would I care about some dyno in CCC?  It turns out that Skyler Weeks is the world record holder for dyno-ing, so when it took him 76 […]

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Putting Climbers First to Create Climbing We Can Believe In

Putting Climbers First to Create Climbing We Can Believe In

Today is election day in the United States, an important day no doubt. I have to ask: What has either candidate vowed to do regarding the important problem that plagues many of us? No, it isn’t the issue of unemployment, it isn’t even healthcare. The problem we’re facing is a severe lack of high quality rock to climb on….

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“Fifty Words…” & Horseshoe Canyon Ranch Sneak Peak

“Fifty Words…” & Horseshoe Canyon Ranch Sneak Peak

Fifty Words For… …Get A Life??  …A Job??  I’m not really sure what to make of the mini-melodrama that took place at the Red this weekend.  Here is a brief synopsis for those interested in reading about immature climber antics. There is a route at the Red River Gorge in KY called Fifty Words For […]

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2008 Triple Crown Bouldering Series: HP40 Results

2008 Triple Crown Bouldering Series: HP40 Results

Results from the 2008 Triple Crown Bouldering event at Horse Pens 40, AL.

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