Archive | July, 2008
News & Notes: Get Outta Town Edition

News & Notes: Get Outta Town Edition

News & Notes including Dave MacLeod, Buttermilks bouldering video, the 5.13ds of Rifle, Ty Landman and more…

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Excellent Post On Colorado Bouldering

If you haven’t already seen it, Jamie Emerson has an excellent recap of what he calls “The Golden Age Of Colorado Bouldering”.  It is a must read if you are at all interested in the recent history of hard bouldering in Colorado’s Frontrange.

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Five Hard-ish Boulder Problems You Should Do Before Death (or Full Time Tradding)

Five Hard-ish Boulder Problems You Should Do Before Death (or Full Time Tradding)

I have had a lot of downtime to compile lists of routes and boulder problems I would like to do once I get healthy again.  The following is a list of 5 classic problems that are hard, but I think very doable for somewhat above average but not quite mutant climbers (like me).  The main […]

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An Organic Anniversary

An Organic Anniversary

What better gift is there for a wedding anniversary than Organic Bouldering Mats???

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Finger Injuries Of Doom

Finger Injuries Of Doom

Being that I am no stranger to finger injuries, both benign and catastrophic, I was extremely dismayed to recently learn that two of our young protégés have cracked bones in their fingers.  Kevin and Tony have been quickly improving their climbing over the past year (under our tutelage of course) only to have these injuries […]

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Pad Stashing Redux

Pad Stashing Redux

It’s summer in the Frontrange of Colorado and that can only mean one thing, boulderers escaping to the cooler temperatures of one of Colorado’s alpine bouldering areas. Cooler temps, good rock and beautiful scenery make alpine bouldering the highlight of many people’s year. Oh…and those hikes. The climbing at both Rocky Mountain National Park and Mt. Evans is guarded by bruising hikes above 10,000 feet. This of course means another season spent discussing the issue of pad stashing.

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Get A Copy Of ‘The Life’ On DVD For $5 Plus Shipping

Like your climbing movies cheap?  You can now get your own copy of the recently reviewed The Life on DVD for $5 plus shipping.  Click here to order.  Don’t have $5, comment here by Sunday to win a copy for free!  Thanks to Brian Solano for this offer.

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