Problems Archives: Realization

Dave Graham Realization (5.15a) Video

[youtube=] Not quite Big Up quality but it is footage nonetheless of Dave Graham’s recent repeat of Chris Sharma’s Realization in Ceuse, France.

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Video Friday

Here are a few videos to help pass your Friday: Check out the Dailies #4 video at MometumVM for footage of Ethan Pringle working out the moves of Es Pontas. Apparently a bit harder than he was expecting…and he is working the top crux on toprope. Ty Landman bouldering with a rope on Rumors of […]

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Ethan Pringle Realization Video

Yesterday I had a post entitled More Momentum that talked about the new updates to MomentumVM.  They really weren’t kidding when they said that updates would be rapid and daily in nature. Today they have posted a video of Ethan Pringle on his repeat of Realization.  Check it while it’s still up.

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Bit of News

Here is a bit of news for your Wednesday: Paul Robinson has made the 4th ascent of Ode to the Modern Man (V14) at Mt. Evans after Woods, Landman and Jorgenson. This would be Paul’s 25th problem V13 or harder in just the past 365 days. As noted yesterday, Ethan Pringle has repeated Realization and […]

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Updates – Pringle repeats Realization

Sorry for the lack of updates recently. It is mostly owing to my worsening tendonitis in my fingers which makes all typing increasingly painful. Therefore I have been saving as many keystrokes as possible for the long hours at work which leaves fewer keystrokes for more optional activities like cipro online no prescription […]

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News & Notes – 08/27/2007

News & Notes – 08/27/2007

As usual, I go away from a computer for a weekend and the sendtrain begins… The big news is that Paul Robinson has made the 3rd ascent of Jade (V15 for now) in RMNP. The day after the Jade send, Paul did the second ascent of Chris Schulte’s new V13 Child Stars SDS at Mt. […]

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Dave Graham Climbs Realization (5.15a)

Dave Graham Climbs Realization (5.15a)

Dave Graham on Realization Photo: BigUp Yesterday, Dave Graham made the 4th ascent (Sharma, Patxi Usobiaga, Sylvain Millet) of Chris Sharma’s Realization (5.15a) at Ceuse, France. Those who remember “Dosage 1” will remember that it was Dave who belayed Chris on his FA. I had speculated in June that this might be the year that […]

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