Climbers Archives: Jamie Emerson

The Hunter V12 FA

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Alex Honnold Interviewed On ClimbTalk Radio

Emanating from the Boulder bubble on the local AM station, ClimbTalk Radio has been on my radar since its inception, but I can’t say I’ve heard too many of the shows.  Since I don’t live in Boulder the only way to hear the show was to read co-host Dave McAllister‘s insane transcripts or to navigate the station’s maze-like website to download mp3 files of the episodes.  Lame1.

The lameness has subsided now that ClimbTalk is available as a podcast through iTunes or whatever your podcast client of choice happens to be2.  I’ve caught up on a few of the recent episodes, including the interview with Alex Honnold as he sat on a portaledge 8 pitches up El Cap and the group discussion with LT11’s Jon Glassberg and Jordan Shipman, Jamie Emerson and Adam Markert.

The Honnold conversation was funny, insightful and overall very entertaining.  Try not to have any food in your mouth when they discuss the finer points of “man spooning” on portaledges.  The group discussion was good and had a lot of promise, but host Mike Brooks’ penchant for talking over guests the entire show to repeatedly identify who was speaking marred the flow of the conversation quite a bit.

You can check out the full archives on the ClimbTalk website or subscribe via RSS or the podcast client of your choice.

  1.  That downloading the shows was so hard, not that I don’t live in Boulder.
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     Although that’s kind of lame too.
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  2.  I use Instacast on my iPhone
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Devil’s Kitchen

I had the pleasure of spending some time talking shop with Jamie Emerson when I was in Boulder a couple of weeks ago, and one topic of conversation was his recent climbing in Wyoming’s Devil’s Kitchen.  He’s since updated his blog with an update on the past few trips he’s made to help develop this incredible looking area:

It’s been a great fall of developing awesome new problems on outstanding rock in a wild setting. These are the kinds of days I live for, and while there are too many subtle moments to properly convey in post like this, it would be an understatement to say I’ve been motivated. It’s hard to imagine I would have come to such a place after so long, but I am loving every minute of it.
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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.
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I am fortunate to be able to share this area and my experiences with all of you.
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More from Devil’s Kitchen in this video of Ryan Silven and this video of Daniel Woods doing the FA of Never Cry Wolf (v13).

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Lonely Mountain

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Alpine Fever The Bouldering Movie Part Two: Lincoln Lake

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