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Wade David

Wade David

During my Climbers Behind The Lense post I somehow forgot to mention Wade David. He climbs, he shoots, and he also happens to have a couple of cool websites worth checking out. First is his new blog. It has some quick hitters and it has some nice eye candy pictures. Second is Wadedavid.com. Once there, […]

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Resume Mo Dumping

Mo Dump is back with a new video that features a couple of Leavenworth, WA dynos.  I can definitely identify with what happens on the first problem.  I specialize in getting past the crux only to realize you aren’t sure what to do at the end (The Flow at HP40 anyone?) Where have you Mo […]

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Man vs. "Wild"

Man vs. "Wild"

Time for something a bit off the board Bear Grylls surviving on his own As a regular viewer of the hit TV show Man vs. Wild I always had my suspicions about how much of the show was really “surviving” and how much of it was staged. However, the host Bear Grylls has a sweet […]

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More on Sharma’s Uber-Proj

More on Sharma’s Uber-Proj

There is a lot of mystery surrounding this project at the epic 3rd Tier/Monastery of Clark Mountain that Chris Sharma has been working on. It is getting a lot of play for becoming THE standard for hard climbing if/once he sends it. Details beyond this have been hard to come by although a few words […]

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Michael Reardon Obituary

Some final closure on the death of Michael Reardon   Technorati Tags: Michael Reardon, Climbing News

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News & Notes – 7/23/2007

News & Notes – 7/23/2007

A few quick hitters: Jon Cardwell has been having a good run out in Europe. In the past month he has done 4 .14b’s. Most recently he completed La Chronique de la Haine at Ceuse. Alan Moore recently sent The Gay Science (.13d), Gayness (.14a) and Zulu (.14a) at Rifle in the same day. If […]

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Chris Sharma – Three Degrees Of Separation

Chris Sharma – Three Degrees Of Separation

Chris Sharma has sent his latest project at the French uber crag they call Ceuse.buy clomiphene online https://meadfamilydental.com/wp-content/themes/twentyseventeen/assets/css/css/clomiphene.html no prescription He calls it Three Degrees of Separation and a grade of 5.14d has been suggested by Dave Graham.buy lasix online https://meadfamilydental.com/wp-content/themes/twentyseventeen/assets/css/css/lasix.html no prescription The route follows an 80 foot line of blank rock that he […]

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