Archive | April, 2012


Shining the spotlight on highlight packages

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More Youth Action At The Red

DPM’s Mikey Williams is in perfect position to bring updates from the Red River Gorge seeing as he currently resides in the parking lot at Miguel’s.  It’s from this convenient vantage point that he has posted updates on Enzo Oddo ticking the other 5.14d in the Red and 11-year-old Cameron Hörst repeating God’s Own Stone (5.14a).

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Stickers!  Last Chance For Shirts!

Stickers! Last Chance For Shirts!

Free stickers and your last chance to get a T-Shirt

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DiGiulian, Vorotnikov Win 2012 SCS Nationals

DiGiulian, Vorotnikov Win 2012 SCS Nationals

Results from the 2012 edition of SCS Nationals

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Video Friday – 4/6/2012

Video Friday – 4/6/2012

Video Friday videos in just a minute, but first a preview of this weekend’s SCS Nationals

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Alpinist’s Routelines

Alpinist’s Routelines

The routelines section of Alpinist’s mountain profiles have always been my favorite part of any issue in which they appear.  Turns out those things are a lot of work to put together.

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Putting The Blast In E-Blast

Jeff Jackson puts the blast back into Rock & Ice’s Tuesday Night Bouldering E-Blast with this response to Peter Beal’s pot-stirring post from last week:

But is climbing media destroying the sport? Here again I take issue with Beal’s assertions. Sure, there are plenty of examples of terrible writing, self promotion and feel-good bromides but overall climbing media’s endorsement of the culture of consumption is tame or, conversely, anti-consumption.

Interesting thoughts as well from Justin Roth:

Whenever I disagree strongly with an argument, I take it as a sign. It means that argument has hit a sore spot. And any sore spot we have within us is worthy of further examination. Beal’s critiques,  and the less-than-tactful means he chose to express them, certainly made an impression on me.

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