Kehl, Smith & Takeda Talk Zanskar Odyssey

Kehl, Smith & Takeda Talk Zanskar Odyssey

Jason Kehl, Abbey Smith and Pete Takeda are back from their trip to India where they sought to explore the bouldering in the Zanskar region of the Indian Himalayas.  Full updates from the trip, including a five-part video series and an article in Men’s Journal, are forthcoming late this year and early next year*, but the team did sit down with the ClimbTalk Radio crew at Boulder’s Radio 1190 to share some stories from their journey.  You can listen to the interview below or download it to listen later here.

*There are some pictures from the trip up on the expedition’s facebook page to tide us over until the Men’s Journal pieces are done.

Also, Kehl cut his hair…

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5 Responses to Kehl, Smith & Takeda Talk Zanskar Odyssey

  1. Mark November 10, 2010 at 12:32 pm #

    THE HAIR!!!! Honestly though, my parents were in a grocery store in Boulder while I was climbing at The Spot on our family vacation, and when we met up, they told me they ran into Jason Kehl at the grocery store. My parents KNEW who a pro-climber was, because of his hair.

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    • Narc November 10, 2010 at 12:35 pm #

      His look is rather distinct isn’t it?

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  2. Dylan November 10, 2010 at 6:21 pm #

    Woah, for a sec there I was thinking you meant he cut it ALL off. Definitely a good send off for the hair though I suspect the cameraman, if there was one, may have wanted to be upwind.

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    • richie November 11, 2010 at 5:12 pm #

      he did cut the final one off once he got back to Boulder

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  3. Chris Sharma November 11, 2010 at 9:37 pm #

    Never been a big fan of Kehl – the hair and weirdness all seem like a gimmick. Skinny Puppy and Al Jourgenson go bouldering! I prefer Fred Nicole any day of week. Takeda is the real deal though!

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