MomentumVM: Warpath, Fred Nicole & Ty Landman

MomentumVM: Warpath, Fred Nicole & Ty Landman

It has been a week or two of good videos over at the Momentum Video Magazine…if you are a premium subscriber:

  • Going back to last week, there was some renewed buzz about James Litz’s unrepeated V14ish problem Warpath at the City Of Rocks, ID when Ty Landman and Jamie Emerson paid a visit. Ty put in some good work on the full problem while Jamie sent the initial section which is a V11 in its own right called Jared’s Roof. You can see the footage of Jamie climbing Jared’s Roof in the free area of MVM.
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    Remember that you can still see the full footage of James on the FA of the problem in the archives of the MVM Premium Section. It is still probably one of the best problems in the entire archives, it looks that good.
  • Next up is footage of Isaac Caldiero repeating Dave Graham’s Cloverland (V13) in Moe’s Valley (no excavation required). Good stuff.
  • Alex Puccio and Giovanni Traversi in Joe’s Valley which was ok.
  • Fred Nicole, yes THE Fred Nicole, bouldering in Colorado with Chuck Fryberger. The free version shows him climbing the iconic Ripper Traverse (see below) while the premium area also shows him climbing at Little Owl Canyon and Newlin Creek. Can’t wait to see when Fred gets to some of the modern alpine areas.
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Fred Nicole Ripper Traversing

  • And most recently is the footage of Ty Landman crushing LCC. The free version gives you him climbing Sharma’s Spinal Twist (V13). The premium version shows him crushing Maisch Roof (V11) and Dominatrix (V12/13). Again, really good stuff although no footage of the Bully flash which was disappointing.

If you aren’t a subscriber and want to find out more information, you should check out my review of the MVM Premium Section along with my follow-up post.

Look for footage coming soon to MVM of Dave Graham climbing The Island (V15) and Daniel Woods climbing Remembrance of Things Past (V14 or 15?), both from Chad Greedy.

Posted In: Bouldering, Videos
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6 Responses to MomentumVM: Warpath, Fred Nicole & Ty Landman

  1. mc May 8, 2008 at 1:58 pm #

    the Island footage is up now…

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  2. The Narc May 8, 2008 at 2:39 pm #

    “I am the master of my own world”  – very nice

    Cool video although I would have preferred to see it at normal speed I think

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  3. peter May 8, 2008 at 8:25 pm #

    i enjoyed the island video. though seemingly “impossible” it does appear as though it may, just may, be possible to start from a sit down and right.  what do you think narc? any word from dave about a low start?

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  4. JE May 9, 2008 at 11:37 pm #

    Peter, the real project is down and left, where one could sit start  and climb maybe an 8C boulder into the Island.  I predict that this will get climbed someday as it is very obvious and it def. goes. Dave never mentioned anything to us in Font. Olson and I noticed the obvious low start immediately.

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  5. peter May 10, 2008 at 1:30 am #

    cool je, thanks for the info. as it is a lower start to a compression problem maybe it’ll be the new standard for a 9A boulder and will be called “the story of three worlds”

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  6. The Narc May 10, 2008 at 10:22 am #

    Amazing looking line, that is for sure.

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