No! Smoking improves your climbing. There are a number of reasons why this is so:
1) Nicotine works on the Acetylcholine receptor in muscle synapses and has been shown to result in more forceful muscle contractions.
2) Nicotine is a vasoconstrictor, meaning that it constricts your blood vessels… especially in peripheral areas — like the hands. Meaning… your hands sweat less and your chalk lasts longer.
3) Nicotine gives you a feeling of “relaxed intensity” by similar mechanisms happening in the brain as are occuring in the muscles (as in example 1).
4) Nicotine works on Dopamine receptors in the brain to stave off hunger signals… Hello skinny!!!
Smoking is likely more advantageous for bouldering than sport climbing because of reason number 2. This is so because vasoconstriction can lead to decreased circulation, which may be detrimental to endurance… but no one really knows whether this is the case. Vasoconstriction is also why smoking can ultimately lead to a heart attack.
There are many down sides to smoking that may outweigh its benefits, as are alluded to in the other posts on this thread, but in as far as smoking’s relationship to climbing there are many advantages.
I recommend the southpark episode that addresses smoking. The episode is called “Butt Out”. It is available online for free. It is a fair and balanced look at what is otherwise an outright attack on tobacco use and the tobacco industry.
For clarity, I do smoke on occasion. I also study physiology. For you tobacco haters… don’t knock it ’till you’ve tried it. For those who may try it for climbing’s sake… moderation, moderation, moderation.
It seems that quite a few professional climbers smoke, probably even more than I imagine, but I wish they had the awareness and decency to do it away from rolling cameras. Obviously people are going to smoke if they want but I feel like it is something that should be kept a little more private, especially if they are professionals at the top of the sport and videos like this are likely to reach a huge audience.
There is also a strong possibility that young climbers who look up to someone like Daniel Woods could see this and see him smoking and begin to think that it is okay for them to smoke as well. The editor of this video could have easily cut those few seconds out and made this even more impressive to watch.
When did climbers turn into such a bunch of whining pansies?! Srsly. I think smoking stinks and sucks, but I don’t really give two craps if someone else is doing it. I smoked for years, got waay over it, end of story. Do we really want some big brother overseer, sheltering us from viewing unsavory habits? Or maybe we can feel secure that we are all capable of making informed decisions, and bearing the responsibility for our individual actions.
I understand how it could influence younger climbers negatively but that is part of Daniels life. In some weird way I enjoy being able to see a pro climber being himself completely instead of having to be some sort of celebrity spokesperson. When climbing videos start getting rowdy with crews smoking blunts like a skate video, then I will understand peoples feelings toward Daniel smoking on camera.
I agree that Daniel is free to do as he likes, but the potential problems lies in the fact that as a professional climbers he’s sponsored and supported by companies that market their products to adults and kids alike. For better or worse, kids look up to sponsored athletes of all professions and this generally requires that the sponsored athlete be more careful in how they present themselves publicly.
He can smoke, I don’t care, I know plenty who do whom I climb with on a regular basis, I’m not even particularly peeved at it showing up in the video… but did it really need to be the focal point of the intro?
Umm, he’s in Italy er Switzerland…. Am I stupid or did the editor not put that there on purpose? Those movies showing Daila and Chris drinking wine should get flamed next, for a start, keep the cultural norms from other countries from invading our youths pure minds!
Some of you may think that it’s worth doing something if lots of people are opposed to it. I propose that this is not so.
Smoking is neither cool, nor uncool. It is an unwise choice. The peak of impressionability is youth, particularly the teenage years. The last thing teenagers (which comprise a significant portion of the target audience for this type of video) need to see is some kid smoking, and then climbing hard things.
“It’s not a big deal”: tell that to the millions that suffer and die from tobacco-associated illnesses every year, and to the tobacco industry, who makes billions by misinforming, manipulating, and addicting people to a product known to be carcinogenic. Tell it to kids who are unwillingly subjected to second hand smoke, and are more likely to end up with respiratory illness. It is a big deal to these people.
Be smarter than Daniel Woods: Base your decisions on evidence. Read.
that last word, “read”, may prove difficult for him… haven’t you ever heard him speak in films or better yet, in person ? my five-year old nephew can express himself better let alone put together more coherent sentences.
Smoking or not, i thought the most unprofessional thing to come from the Woods household in the past few weeks was his wiz sounding off on Nalle talking the old DG stand with the whole V15 barely exists. She seems to have taken Nalle’s unwillingness to accept the 15th grade personally. very personally, as in her husbands 15’s seem to always loose a grade (alleged chipping excluded).
Questioning the intelligence of a person you don’t know on the internet seems a bit uncalled for . . .
And as long as we’re in the business of holding people to a certain standard, let’s take a look at the accuracy of the sentence “(Woods’) 15’s seem to always loose a grade (alleged chipping excluded).”
Let’s go through Woods’ V15+ FAs, shall we?
Ode to the Modern Man – graded V15 by Daniel after he compared it to Terre de Sienne, which was considered V14 by all ascentionists at that point. Terre de Sienne has settled at V13 and Ode at V14.
Jade – graded V15 by Daniel. One hard move, which can alway be tricky to grade. Built up in everyone’s minds as THE next level project before the FA. Has since settled to V14.
In Search of Time Lost – V15. Unrepeated. Tried by Dai and Ondra pretty recently.
The Game – you already accounted for this one, though if you were more knowledgeable of the subject you would know that “chipping” is not the right word.
Desperanza – V15. Unrepeated, despite being tried by just about everyone over the years.
Warrior Up – Confirmed at V15 by Dave Graham.
Hypnotized Minds – V15. Unrepeated. Tried by every climber in Colorado.
Mystic Stylez – V15. Unrepeated.
La Force Traquille – V15. Urepeated.
So out of nine proposed V15 problems, three have been downgraded: The Game, which is a complicated subject like you said, and Jade and Ode, which were both climbed when Woods was very young and did not have much experience with putting up problems at the high end of the grading scale.
If you’re going to join a grading discussion, you should at least make sure your statements match up with reality. Saying that most of Woods’ hard FAs get downgraded is just plain wrong.
im so glad the anti tobacco lobby made it on here. otherwise, how would any of us know smoking was bad for you? ill admit that the way it was edited in was a bit lame, the way he looked at the camera and stuff while doing it. plus it didnt look like the best rolled cigarette. but from the reaction on here you would think he was smoking crack.
Nobody complained when Chad Greedy was smokin a rollie in The Island!
Frankly, I don’t really care one way or the other.
But (disproving what I just said), I guess, to me climbing’s always seemed kinda rogue. And since I never saw it as ‘sport’ so much as lifestyle/creative outlet, athletes never had to conform to media standards for role models (ie Phelps-type press conferences to discuss their antics outside the arena). Honestly, is anyone still waiting on Sharma to apologize for testing positive for marijuana at the WC in Munich?
To a certain degree perhaps it matters more, though? Climbers aren’t the affection of the paparazzi, but because our game blurs lifestyle/sport, maybe it has a rounder influence in our little sphere.
Lately, ‘Climbing Media’ has been edging towards presenting the lifestyle, rather than just the feats of strength. I dig this move. But since these are sponsored athletes, it seems some parts of the lifestyle could be excluded for sake of the impressionable.
What I will say is that the negativity towards this particular video seems disproportionate. Kinder’s snaps shots of climbers drinking all day (apart from those of climber’s smoking rollies or with weed in plain sight), which is equally unhealthy, but I’ve never heard any complaints lodged. I mean he even has a picture of Woods, DG, and Cardwell at MCDONALDS!?!?!?!
Like I said, I don’t really care what Pros, Narc, any of yall, or the children of the world choose as vices, just don’t fuckin litter under boulders!
Narc, thanks for yet again giving me a chance to troll away my lunch break.
I am starting to side with Bill Hicks on non-smokers. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dD8bsfggCuo. This is a great climbing short and people feel the need to spew garbage.
What’s with all the pro climbers who smoke home rolled cigs? Is this why I’m not climbing my best?
No! Smoking improves your climbing. There are a number of reasons why this is so:
1) Nicotine works on the Acetylcholine receptor in muscle synapses and has been shown to result in more forceful muscle contractions.
2) Nicotine is a vasoconstrictor, meaning that it constricts your blood vessels… especially in peripheral areas — like the hands. Meaning… your hands sweat less and your chalk lasts longer.
3) Nicotine gives you a feeling of “relaxed intensity” by similar mechanisms happening in the brain as are occuring in the muscles (as in example 1).
4) Nicotine works on Dopamine receptors in the brain to stave off hunger signals… Hello skinny!!!
Smoking is likely more advantageous for bouldering than sport climbing because of reason number 2. This is so because vasoconstriction can lead to decreased circulation, which may be detrimental to endurance… but no one really knows whether this is the case. Vasoconstriction is also why smoking can ultimately lead to a heart attack.
There are many down sides to smoking that may outweigh its benefits, as are alluded to in the other posts on this thread, but in as far as smoking’s relationship to climbing there are many advantages.
I recommend the southpark episode that addresses smoking. The episode is called “Butt Out”. It is available online for free. It is a fair and balanced look at what is otherwise an outright attack on tobacco use and the tobacco industry.
For clarity, I do smoke on occasion. I also study physiology. For you tobacco haters… don’t knock it ’till you’ve tried it. For those who may try it for climbing’s sake… moderation, moderation, moderation.
It seems that quite a few professional climbers smoke, probably even more than I imagine, but I wish they had the awareness and decency to do it away from rolling cameras. Obviously people are going to smoke if they want but I feel like it is something that should be kept a little more private, especially if they are professionals at the top of the sport and videos like this are likely to reach a huge audience.
There is also a strong possibility that young climbers who look up to someone like Daniel Woods could see this and see him smoking and begin to think that it is okay for them to smoke as well. The editor of this video could have easily cut those few seconds out and made this even more impressive to watch.
I couldn’t agree more.
I agree
Smoking? D. Woods? Really? C’mon man! (hoping you’re not the guy leaving all the butt’s at the crag)
You know, I saw the smoking and immediately didn’t really care to see the rest of the video.
When did climbers turn into such a bunch of whining pansies?! Srsly. I think smoking stinks and sucks, but I don’t really give two craps if someone else is doing it. I smoked for years, got waay over it, end of story. Do we really want some big brother overseer, sheltering us from viewing unsavory habits? Or maybe we can feel secure that we are all capable of making informed decisions, and bearing the responsibility for our individual actions.
I understand how it could influence younger climbers negatively but that is part of Daniels life. In some weird way I enjoy being able to see a pro climber being himself completely instead of having to be some sort of celebrity spokesperson. When climbing videos start getting rowdy with crews smoking blunts like a skate video, then I will understand peoples feelings toward Daniel smoking on camera.
lol somehow i knew the smoking would be commented on while watching the video. Cmon guys, its not a big deal. another great video by jorg!
I agree that Daniel is free to do as he likes, but the potential problems lies in the fact that as a professional climbers he’s sponsored and supported by companies that market their products to adults and kids alike. For better or worse, kids look up to sponsored athletes of all professions and this generally requires that the sponsored athlete be more careful in how they present themselves publicly.
He can smoke, I don’t care, I know plenty who do whom I climb with on a regular basis, I’m not even particularly peeved at it showing up in the video… but did it really need to be the focal point of the intro?
Umm, he’s in Italy er Switzerland…. Am I stupid or did the editor not put that there on purpose? Those movies showing Daila and Chris drinking wine should get flamed next, for a start, keep the cultural norms from other countries from invading our youths pure minds!
Some of you may think that it’s worth doing something if lots of people are opposed to it. I propose that this is not so.
Smoking is neither cool, nor uncool. It is an unwise choice. The peak of impressionability is youth, particularly the teenage years. The last thing teenagers (which comprise a significant portion of the target audience for this type of video) need to see is some kid smoking, and then climbing hard things.
“It’s not a big deal”: tell that to the millions that suffer and die from tobacco-associated illnesses every year, and to the tobacco industry, who makes billions by misinforming, manipulating, and addicting people to a product known to be carcinogenic. Tell it to kids who are unwillingly subjected to second hand smoke, and are more likely to end up with respiratory illness. It is a big deal to these people.
Be smarter than Daniel Woods: Base your decisions on evidence. Read.
that last word, “read”, may prove difficult for him… haven’t you ever heard him speak in films or better yet, in person ? my five-year old nephew can express himself better let alone put together more coherent sentences.
Smoking or not, i thought the most unprofessional thing to come from the Woods household in the past few weeks was his wiz sounding off on Nalle talking the old DG stand with the whole V15 barely exists. She seems to have taken Nalle’s unwillingness to accept the 15th grade personally. very personally, as in her husbands 15’s seem to always loose a grade (alleged chipping excluded).
Questioning the intelligence of a person you don’t know on the internet seems a bit uncalled for . . .
And as long as we’re in the business of holding people to a certain standard, let’s take a look at the accuracy of the sentence “(Woods’) 15’s seem to always loose a grade (alleged chipping excluded).”
Let’s go through Woods’ V15+ FAs, shall we?
Ode to the Modern Man – graded V15 by Daniel after he compared it to Terre de Sienne, which was considered V14 by all ascentionists at that point. Terre de Sienne has settled at V13 and Ode at V14.
Jade – graded V15 by Daniel. One hard move, which can alway be tricky to grade. Built up in everyone’s minds as THE next level project before the FA. Has since settled to V14.
In Search of Time Lost – V15. Unrepeated. Tried by Dai and Ondra pretty recently.
The Game – you already accounted for this one, though if you were more knowledgeable of the subject you would know that “chipping” is not the right word.
Desperanza – V15. Unrepeated, despite being tried by just about everyone over the years.
Warrior Up – Confirmed at V15 by Dave Graham.
Hypnotized Minds – V15. Unrepeated. Tried by every climber in Colorado.
Mystic Stylez – V15. Unrepeated.
La Force Traquille – V15. Urepeated.
So out of nine proposed V15 problems, three have been downgraded: The Game, which is a complicated subject like you said, and Jade and Ode, which were both climbed when Woods was very young and did not have much experience with putting up problems at the high end of the grading scale.
If you’re going to join a grading discussion, you should at least make sure your statements match up with reality. Saying that most of Woods’ hard FAs get downgraded is just plain wrong.
im so glad the anti tobacco lobby made it on here. otherwise, how would any of us know smoking was bad for you? ill admit that the way it was edited in was a bit lame, the way he looked at the camera and stuff while doing it. plus it didnt look like the best rolled cigarette. but from the reaction on here you would think he was smoking crack.
Appetite suppressant. Keeps em thin. If you’re not plagued by injuries it’ll get you shredded.
I suspect that wasn’t a cigarette!
Nobody complained when Chad Greedy was smokin a rollie in The Island!
Frankly, I don’t really care one way or the other.
But (disproving what I just said), I guess, to me climbing’s always seemed kinda rogue. And since I never saw it as ‘sport’ so much as lifestyle/creative outlet, athletes never had to conform to media standards for role models (ie Phelps-type press conferences to discuss their antics outside the arena). Honestly, is anyone still waiting on Sharma to apologize for testing positive for marijuana at the WC in Munich?
To a certain degree perhaps it matters more, though? Climbers aren’t the affection of the paparazzi, but because our game blurs lifestyle/sport, maybe it has a rounder influence in our little sphere.
Lately, ‘Climbing Media’ has been edging towards presenting the lifestyle, rather than just the feats of strength. I dig this move. But since these are sponsored athletes, it seems some parts of the lifestyle could be excluded for sake of the impressionable.
What I will say is that the negativity towards this particular video seems disproportionate. Kinder’s snaps shots of climbers drinking all day (apart from those of climber’s smoking rollies or with weed in plain sight), which is equally unhealthy, but I’ve never heard any complaints lodged. I mean he even has a picture of Woods, DG, and Cardwell at MCDONALDS!?!?!?!
Like I said, I don’t really care what Pros, Narc, any of yall, or the children of the world choose as vices, just don’t fuckin litter under boulders!
Narc, thanks for yet again giving me a chance to troll away my lunch break.
I would smoke all day, if it made me this strong –
Maybe P.Rob is the shoulder angel and D.Dubs is the shoulder devil of climbing morality. Still haven’t seen the former say a curse word.
I am starting to side with Bill Hicks on non-smokers. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dD8bsfggCuo. This is a great climbing short and people feel the need to spew garbage.