Problems Archives: Dreamtime (V14)

Adam Ondra Dreamtime Video

Apparently climbing 3 hard 5.14s in one day wasn’t enough for young Adam Ondra.  Here is some video that Jamie Emerson captured of the young Czech climbing prodigy repeating Fred Nicole’s classic boulder Dreamtime (V14) in Cresciano, Switzerland. [youtube=]

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News & Notes – 3/10/2008

News & Notes – 3/10/2008

Just an update on Beth Rodden’s new 5.14 trad route Meltdown. Big Up Productions was there filming her work on the route for the upcoming Dosage 5. Big Up shares their first hand takes on what went down including nuggets like, “After about 10 sessions of working it on top-rope Tommy was never able to […]

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News & Notes – Mass Update

News & Notes – Mass Update

Thanks to James for compiling this massive list of updates. In this update you will find a lot of news on Dai Koyamada’s exploints in the Frankenjura. Also news from Daniel Woods, Jon Cardwell, Chris Sharma, Dave Graham, Lisa Rands and Paxti Usobiaga among others. This has taken me longer than anticipated so some of […]

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Dave Graham – Dreamtime

In commemoration of his sending Realization, here is a quality video from 2002 of Dave Graham climbing Dreamtime (V14*) at Cresciano, Switzerland. [youtube=] *The fact that Dreamtime was the first boulder in the world to have a suggested grade of V15 when Fred Nicole made the brilliant FA in 2000 is only the beginning of […]

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