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Cool Video from Petzl Roctrip at Kalymnos

Check out this cool video of Dave Graham at the recent Petzl Roctrip @ Kalymnos, Greece.buy nolvadex online https://gaetzpharmacy.com/dir/nolvadex.html no prescription The route was supposed to be the women’s “ultimate route” but due to conditions they ended up using a different line. Here Dave Graham onsights the first ascent of ‘Les Artes de Vide’ (.13d): […]

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Bishop Bouldering Pictures: Sad Boulders

Bishop Bouldering Pictures: Sad Boulders

Here is the last of the decent pictures I have from my trip to Bishop. These are from the Sad boulders. These shots have more of a professional flavor because they were taken by a cool guy we met there, Tim Kettering. Check out his site for some more really cool images.buy cymbalta online https://hospitalchiriqui.com/wp-content/themes/twentytwentythree/assets/fonts/inter/txt/cymbalta.html […]

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News & Notes – 3/5/2007

As I noted in my review of the “climbing” movie Specimen, the movie is not that great. Turns out Rock & Ice was even less generous in their latest issue. They give the movie 1.5 Stars out of a possible 5 The aforementioned new issue of Rock & Ice has a brief write-up about Mike […]

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Bishop Bouldering Pictures: Happy Boulders Pt. 2

Bishop Bouldering Pictures: Happy Boulders Pt. 2

Here is the second set of pictures from the Happy Boulders: Weapons of Mass Distraction Serengeti Atari almost ate it hard…

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Narcissism at its best…

I really fucked up my arm. At least that was my medical opinion. Jacked, messed up, tweaked all wrapped in one. My elbow has hurt before from excessive campusing and general overuse. So when I got back from Bishop in November and couldn’t seem to mix in a rest day the pain in my elbow […]

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Bishop Bouldering Pictures: Happy Boulders Pt. 1

Bishop Bouldering Pictures: Happy Boulders Pt. 1

Here is the first set of pictures from the Happy Boulders: Hulk I suck… Heavenly Path (best V1 ever) Big Chicken

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Bishop Bouldering Pictures: Buttermilks

Bishop Bouldering Pictures: Buttermilks

I’ll be posting a few pictures a day over the next few days from my trip to Bishop last November.buy levaquin online https://sanchezdental.com/wp-content/themes/twentynineteen/inc/php/levaquin.html no prescription I’ll start with some pictures from the Buttermilks. High Plains Drifter Cave Problem Soulslinger not quite…

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