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New Dave Graham Blog

Normally I would be more interested in this sort of thing but Dave Graham seems to be losing it a bit. He has a new Pro Blog at Climbing.com which is pretty uninformative if you wanted to actually learn anything about what he has been climbing lately. Despite the ramblings he has done 2 .14c […]

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Specimen Review

So I saw the movie Specimen on Saturday night. It was the conclusion of a week of clinics from pro climber Andy Raether. I had read a few reviews beforehand and they were less than stellar. The trailer I saw also left me expecting very little from the movie. The trailer had more action of […]

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New Josune Bereziartu Pro Blog

Freakishly strong and freakishly man-ish Spanish climber Josune Bereziartu has an updated blog about her 2nd ascent of Patxi Usobiaga’s .14b Mandragora in the Ordesa Valley, Spain.

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News & Notes – 2/26/2007

Not much going on the past week, here are a few quick hitters: Ty Landman flashed the first ascent of Freak Brothers II (V10/11) at Boulder Canyon, CO. It was quickly repeated by his brother Jeff, Paul Robinson, Daniel Woods, and Jamie Emerson. Jamie has more about it on his site. Dave MacLeod of E11 […]

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Horse Pens 40

Horse Pens 40

It’s not a big secret that Horse Pens 40 has some of the best bouldering in the Southeast and arguably in the whole country.buy amitriptyline online https://www.neurolinkchiropractic.com/wp-content/themes/twentytwentytwo/inc/patterns/php/amitriptyline.html no prescription I have been to only a handful of the “destination” bouldering areas but it is hard to argue against HP40.buy avanafil online https://www.neurolinkchiropractic.com/wp-content/themes/twentytwentytwo/inc/patterns/php/avanafil.html no prescription Buddy […]

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New Ethan Pringle Blog

Ethan Pringle has a new Pro Blog over at Climbing Magazine’s website. Some good pictures and a good insight into all of the cool bouldering he has been doing lately.

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What’s the Point?

Before I get too ahead of myself I should probably at least say a little about what my whole point here is.buy prelone online blackmenheal.org/wp-content/languages/new/generic/prelone.html no prescription It basically comes down to this: I am obsessed with all facets of rock climbing. Training, sending, not sending, ethics, spraying, reading, discussing, coaching…I spend a lot of […]

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