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Mandala 2nd Ascent Video

Since we’re talking about Dave Graham again, here is an old school video of him doing the 2nd ascent of The Mandala back in 2002:

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Another 5.14d for Dave Graham

Another 5.14d for Dave Graham

Dave Graham has made what is likely the 2nd ascent of Ramon Julian Puigblanque‘s Esclatamasters at Perles, Spain. It took him only 8 tries over the course of about 5 months. He had noted his desire to climb this route in his Pro Blogs here and here. The route consists of 25 meters of difficult […]

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I don’ really have much to say today.buy prednisone online https://praxis.edu/wp-content/themes/twentynineteen/fonts/new/prednisone.html no prescription Besides my arm starting to feel better, it is supposed to hit 40 degrees tomorrow and 50 by next week. Making me anxious to get back to Devil’s Lake and hit up some of my projects (yes, it is possible to have […]

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Need Some Mo?

If you are need of some mo, you can head over to Modump where they are back after a bit of a lull with some new bouldering videos: Hueco Tanks Anal Intruder #10 (V11) Crimping Christ on the Cross (V10) Leavenworth, WA Kobe Ty – (Looks good!)

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Treatment & Grotesque Injury Report

Nothing really that earth shattering to report after today’s treatment. I still have intermittent random pains from my elbow up to my shoulder but the actual elbow joint itself seems to feel ok. The therapist thinks I should be able to climb in another week although he clearly thought my training habits were a bit […]

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Petzl Roctrip Coming to the Red River Gorge!

I’d say this qualifies as a big freaking deal. The Petzl Roctrip is coming to the Red River Gorge. The event will be during the annual Rocktoberfest celebration that was already pretty badass to begin with. Info from the RRGCC site: The RRGCC and Petzl have paired up to bring you Rocktoberfest and Petzl RocTrip, […]

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Envy & Joe’s Valley Bouldering

First off, despite the fact that I tend to read way too much about climbers and know more about their sends than they probably do, I do not really know any of the climbers that I report about here. It’s just another facet of being narcissistic; I am abnormally obsessed with the accomplishments of others. […]

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