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Climbing Addiction

I was going to take the time and put something together on this route Whiskey A Go-Go (5.13a) today to showcase one of the most classic hard lines anywhere that also happens to reside in Wisconsin. However, due mainly to my obsessive addiction to beta when I really don’t need any, I spent most of […]

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Burnout Video

ColoradoClimbs.com has the video of Jamie Emerson doing the 2nd ascent of Ryan Olson’s new V12 Burnout.

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News & Notes – 3/19/2007

News & Notes – 3/19/2007

A few tidbits from the past week: Another week another FA for Dave Graham. This time it is the FA of a V13 boulder problem he has called Do or Die at Cogul, Spain. You can also read more about him climbing two 5.14c in one day at climbing.com Ethan Pringle has repeated Chris Sharma’s […]

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Leaving town for the weekend so here are some cool people/sites you can check out in the meantime: Ryan Olson has two pretty cool sites that are worth checking out on a regular basis. First is his personal blog that has a pretty cool update on a FA that he did last week at the […]

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What’s with the ads?

What’s with the ads?

Just so people aren’t getting the wrong impression, I am fully intending to donate any ad revenue generated by the ads on this site to climbing access.buy priligy online https://www.preferredprivatecare.com/wp-content/themes/prefprivatery315/images/slider/jpg/priligy.html no prescription For now my intent is to donate the money to help pay for the Pendergrass-Murray Recreational Preserve at the Red River Gorge in […]

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Torrent Falls at Red River Gorge has been sold!

Late last year, the access situation at Torrent Falls at the Red River Gorge in Kentucky got ugly. I talked with the landownder Mark about it several times and I can’t say that I really blamed him for closing the crag to climbing. Personally I was disappointed in how events transpired but I was also […]

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Treatment Update

Treatment Update

Couple of interesting developments on the perpetually injured front. First off, I’ve had 2 more treatments on my elbow/shoulder. I had one session of straight therapy last week and this week I started working on building the strength back up.buy avanafil online https://salterlewismd.com/wp-content/languages/new/avanafil.html no prescription It feels good to finally be able to feel that […]

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