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Patagonia Axes Sponsored Climbers?

This is getting to be an old story but still is a bit interesting. Apparently Patagonia has decided to change the way they work with their sponsored athletes. And in this case “change” means “let most of them go”. Check out this super long thread at supertopo.com to learn more. Most notably let go was […]

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Triple Sec

The route Triple Sec (Fifty Bucks) at the RRG is now open for business. One less thing for me to complain about….Scott

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Destination Wish List

In no particular order, here is a list of areas within a long weekend’s trip from where I live that I have yet to do any climbing at. I wish to someday touch rock at some of these places: Red Wing/Taylors Falls/Willow River in MN – 5 hours Sawmill Creek Dome in MN – 8 […]

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Dark Waters First Ascent Video

Here is a video of Daniel Woods doing the FA of Dark Waters (V12/13) at Clear Creek Canyon, CO last spring:

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Two Updated Pro Blogs

Dave Graham has a new pro blog up at Climbing.com covering: His ascent of Esclatamasters (5.14d) which he describes as such: It was crazy to feel my body work properly for climbing. It’s like a car running properly after having a mechanic try to fix it for six months, yet never finding the problem, constantly […]

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The Mandala

In an apparent effort to turn the classic Buttermilks problem The Mandala into a western version of the Dark Waters boulder in Clear Creek, CO, two new variations/lines were recently established up the famous prow. On 3/22 Jeff Sillcox did the first ascent of what he called Mandala Direct and gave it the same grade […]

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Not a bad day…

Not a bad day…

Ethan Pringle had a pretty good day up at Poudre Canyon yesterday. He sent Dave Graham’s classic problem Circadian Rhythm (V13). He also managed to repeat Hollow’s Way (not in the poudre) which he listed at V9. Here is a picture of Ty Landman (blue) and Harry Robertson (white) sending Circadian Rhythm a couple of […]

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