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Dave Graham – Dreamtime

In commemoration of his sending Realization, here is a quality video from 2002 of Dave Graham climbing Dreamtime (V14*) at Cresciano, Switzerland. [youtube=http://youtube.com/watch?v=_PaKnVUVBbw] *The fact that Dreamtime was the first boulder in the world to have a suggested grade of V15 when Fred Nicole made the brilliant FA in 2000 is only the beginning of […]

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Jim Holloway

The latest edition of Climbing magazine devoted its cover and a big article to Jim Holloway (you can read the entire article online). From what I have read, Holloway is most famous for having a few problems around the Frontrange that have gone unrepeated despite doing the first ascents 30 years ago. Here he describes […]

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Dave Graham Climbs Realization (5.15a)

Dave Graham Climbs Realization (5.15a)

Dave Graham on Realization Photo: BigUp Yesterday, Dave Graham made the 4th ascent (Sharma, Patxi Usobiaga, Sylvain Millet) of Chris Sharma’s Realization (5.15a) at Ceuse, France. Those who remember “Dosage 1” will remember that it was Dave who belayed Chris on his FA. I had speculated in June that this might be the year that […]

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More News & Notes – 7/30/2007

More News & Notes – 7/30/2007

I really dropped the ball this morning when I failed to mention a few more tidbits to check out: An updated version of the already phenomenal guidebook to sport climbing at the Red River Gorge is coming out September 28, 2007: The Red River Gorge in eastern Kentucky is one of the best rock-climbing areas […]

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News & Notes – 7/30/2007

Paul Robinson is back from his trip to California with Daniel Woods. I would have to believe he is a little bit disappointed he did not send problems like Black Mamba (V13) or Somewhere in Time (V13) like Mr. Woods did, but it sounded like a great trip nonetheless. If you didn’t see it in […]

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Kelly McBride Sends V11

Kelly McBride Sends V11

Props to Kelly McBride for sending Kind Traverse (V11) at Emerald Lake in RMNP. Nice Work! Photo (of practice sending) by sock hands Pretty strong for someone from Wisconsin.

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Mt. Evans Photos

Mt. Evans Photos

Click photo to become enlightened… Click the photo and become enlightened to the fact that there is more climbing at Mt. Evans, CO than just the understandably legendary Dali Boulder. For as much time as he spends there, the Enlightened Chuffer must have very strong legs, no? I think we need to visit Mt. Evans/RMNP […]

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