Archive | September, 2010

Alex Honnold Interviewed By Outside Magazine’s Blog

Outside Magazine’s The Outside Blog catches up with Alex Honnold to discuss his thoughts on climbing fast, climbing alone and climbing without a rope.

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Video Friday:  Swanky Swizzy

Video Friday: Swanky Swizzy

Alex Savage and Les Warnock treat us to this superbly done video about their time spent bouldering in Ticino, Switzerland

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Jon Cardwell’s Brazil Ticklist

Jon Cardwell is back in Colorado after a month spent exploring the bouldering in Brazil.
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 His ticklist from the trip is, to put it mildly, not bad.  In addition to repeating a slew of boulders in the V10-13 range he also addded 3 hard problems of his own:  House In The Sky (V14), High Tension (V13) and Bush Diving (V13).  More on the Five Ten Blog.

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Tommy Caldwell & Crew Explore The “Tuolumne Of China”

Tommy Caldwell & Crew Explore The “Tuolumne Of China”

What happens when Tommy Caldwell rallies a crew to the far reaches of China to climb in an area where noone has ever been allowed to climb…

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Paul Robinson Back In Switzerland

Paul Robinson Back In Switzerland

Paul Robinson is back in Switzerland doing what he does best

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Enzo Oddo Sends Another Hard 5.14, Gets Interviewed About Realization

The young French phenom Enzo Oddo did another 5.14d last week, repeating Tony Lamiche’s Condé de choc at Entraygues, France.  Petzl also posted this nice interview with the 15 year-old discussing his recent repeat of Realization (5.15a).

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Zach Lerner Sends V14 In Switzerland

I meant to post this awhile back but it slipped through the cracks.
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 Kairn (via UKClimbing) reported back in August that Zach Lerner did the 3rd ascent of Daniel Woods’ Rememrance of Things Past (V14) in Magic Wood, Switzerland.

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