Archive | December, 2009
Only The “Highest Caliber Of Wood Grained Sandstone” For Paul Robinson…

Only The “Highest Caliber Of Wood Grained Sandstone” For Paul Robinson…

It seems like an annual tradition at this point that each winter some of America’s strongest boulderers make their way to Arkansas to sample the untapped sandstone that can be found there. Recent winters have seen the likes of Daniel Woods and Dave Graham leave their mark with a number of double digit FAs. This winter looks to be no different with Paul Robinson making his first trip to Arkansas.

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Adam Ondra Flashes V14 In Switzerland

Adam Ondra Flashes V14 In Switzerland

Another week, another impressive piece of news from Czech youngster Adam Ondra. UPDATED with a link to video of Daniel Woods doing the problem as well as additional details.

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Chris Sharma, Neanderthal Among Boys

Chris Sharma, Neanderthal Among Boys

Chris Sharma ticks off another 5.15 project, this time the Neanderthal project in Santa Linya, Spain. Updated with link to pictures and more route info.

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What Can You Say About The Grade?

What Can You Say About The Grade?

Important to some and meaningless to others, climbing grades have long been a great source of debate to pass the time in between sessions. Recent years have seen an explosion of climbing related websites and blogs on the internet which has taken this debate to a new level. It’s easier than ever for people to share their opinions on the grades of climbs…especially ones they have no hope of ever doing (or even trying).

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Interesting Peter Mortimer Interview

The Boston Rock Gym recently interviewed Peter Mortimer from Sender Films where he says (among other things) that King Lines is the best selling climbing DVD of all time and that their television show First Ascent:  The Series will be released on DVD in the fall.

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Super Topo Auction Benefiting Access Fund

Super Topo is running an auction on gear and guidebooks to benefit the Access Fund.  Hurry, there are only 6 days left!

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R.I.P. Dr. Topo

R.I.P. Dr. Topo

Free topo website Dr. Topo is shutting down operations…

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