[vimeo http://vimeo.com/104853399 w=980&h=551]
| Video Source | ClimbingNarc Video Page
Time is precious. Whether you have a family, go to school, or have a full time job, making the most out of your climbing time is essential. Jason Haas knows this all to well and when he gets out for the weekend, he rarely clips bolts at the local crag, he is out there, in the wild, questing up new routes, and freeing old aid lines. Jason is the master of the epic and has a reputation for putting up bold lines that he spends all week fantasizing about...
Jason Haas is the weekend warrior.
Produced by:
Louder Than Eleven (www.lt11.com)
Director of Photography
Jon Glassberg
Supporting Video
Rich Crowder, Jen Morgan, Jordan Shipman
Jen Morgan, Jon Glassberg
Motion FX
Jordan Shipman
Original Score
Oscar Adams (www.oscaradams.com)
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Posted In:
Traditional Climbing
Louder Than 11 Climbers:
Jason Haas Areas:
Why is his example of being a weekend warrior his 7th day of climbing in a row?
I believe Jason is a teacher who has time off during summer months so that would explain some of his ability to get out as often as he does that time of year…
Agreed- Why not talk more about how to balance a family life rather than showing footage of escaping it? Im all for climbing, balancing a career and family, but who is watching the kids during the time your out 7 days straight at high altitude? Did this situation make you realize you were being selfish and putting yourself at unnecessary risk? How have you had to cut back/ re-prioritize? This is a subject that is interesting to many of us, and this video left many questions unaddressed.
bag o’shite. i’ve got two kids and i can count on my hands, the days i’ve had out this year. gimme a break.
How about that rope sofa guys? 5 star chair if I say so myself
Remind me not to have children. (no offense parents)