Problems Archives: Kheops Assis (V14)

Video Of Chris Schulte Sending 2 V14s In Fontainebleau

Deadpoint Magazine has a lengthy video from Fontainebleau that features Chris Schulte and Jackie Hueftle sending several problems in the forest including 2 V14s, Gecko Assis and Kheops Assis.

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Ty Landman Crushing Font

Ty Landman Crushing Font

I think it’s safe to say that Ty Landman has been having an above average trip to Fontainebleau.  On the heels of his ascents of Kheops Assis (V14) and Gecko Assis (V14), Landman recently repeated Satan I Helvete Bas (V14).  This is all in addition to having climbed several V13s as well.  All this in […]

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Ty Landman Repeats Kheops Assis

On the still not-functioning-in-the-U.S. MoonBlog comes apparent word that Ty Landman has repeated Kheops Assis (V14) in Fontainbleau.  (Via TheLowDown)

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