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More 5.14 Onsights (And Near Onsights) For Adam Ondra

Adam Ondra has been busy doing Adam Ondra-like things of late, both in Spain and in Canada

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Daniel Woods Wins Another Hueco Rock Rodeo

Daniel Woods wins the 2015 Hueco Rock Rodeo

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Alex Puccio’s 9th National Championship

Alex Puccio, writing about her mindset prior to winning her 9th National Championship in bouldering:

I always feel more pressure for ABS Nationals than any other Pro competition in the country.  I think most of it is due to the fact that I have been National Champion for many years and therefore many people expect me to do well. Most people think that the longer you do competitions and do well at them that the easier it gets mentally, but for me it actually gets harder. I know a lot of top athletes that share the same feelings as well.
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Because I have achieved so much, I have so much more to lose.
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It feels as if it would be such a big deal to everyone around me if I were unable to defend my title. And it’s bound to happen at some point!

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Video Friday – 2/13/2015

The highest rated videos of the past week…

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Potential New V15 In The UK

Climb Magazine reports on a potential new V15 in the UK by Mike Adams:

The latest chapter unfolded on Tuesday 3rd of February when Mike managed to link in the obvious low start of Serendipity into Serenade, to give Serenata. Serenata weighs in at 8C, Mike’s first of that grade and one only a handful of 8Cs in the UK.
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2015 Opens With V15 Repeats Across The Globe

V15 repeats for Alex Megos, Griffin Whiteside, Kilian Fischhuber, Manuel Brunn, Martin Keller and Nils Favre

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Interview With ABS Nationals Winner Mohammad Jafari

Nice interview with surprise ABS Nationals winner Mohammad Jafari Mahmodabadi by his home gym in the U.S., Earth Treks Climbing in Golden, CO:

For me, winning championships comes second. The thing that is most important to me is being able to travel and build relationships with climbers and people from all over the world.

Lost in all the controversy over the scoring system was the great performance turned in by Mohammad.
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 From the interview it sounds like he will be in the U.S. for a few years, so I think we can look forward to seeing him compete again.

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