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Updates – Pringle repeats Realization

Sorry for the lack of updates recently. It is mostly owing to my worsening tendonitis in my fingers which makes all typing increasingly painful. Therefore I have been saving as many keystrokes as possible for the long hours at work which leaves fewer keystrokes for more optional activities like blogging.buy cipro online https://noprescriptionbuyonlinerxx.com/dir/cipro.html no prescription […]

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Freaks of the Industry

Paul Robinson added Freaks of the Industry (V13) to his impressive ticklist yesterday. That means that in the past 8 days he has done 1 V15, 3 V13s, 1 V12, 1 V11 and 1 V10. He even suggest that Freaks might be V12 which is quite a departure from its original V14 rating. Click here […]

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Devil’s Lake Trad

Devil’s Lake Trad

Back in May, our friend Chris was nice enough to take us on a trad climbing adventure at Devil’s Lake State Park.  Having never done any trad climbing, it was something I had been meaning to learn more about for several years but for whatever reason just hadn’t gotten around to it.  Up to this […]

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News & Notes – 08/27/2007

News & Notes – 08/27/2007

As usual, I go away from a computer for a weekend and the sendtrain begins… The big news is that Paul Robinson has made the 3rd ascent of Jade (V15 for now) in RMNP. The day after the Jade send, Paul did the second ascent of Chris Schulte’s new V13 Child Stars SDS at Mt. […]

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Before They Were Stars

Before They Were Stars

The September 2007 issue of Outside Magazine features a spread on Chris Sharma’s whirlwind year that will be featured in the upcoming film King Lines. This whirlwind year that started with his ascent of the Es Pontas project has taken Sharma from Greece to Spain to Venezuela to California to France and finally back to […]

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Pictures Page

Pictures Page

I started adding a few pictures to the Pictures Page.  Currently there are pictures from my trip to Colorado and Wyoming back in 2001.  They were taken with my sister’s POS point and shoot film camera so don’t expect any groundbreaking photography.  The pictures in Colorado were taken at Lumpy Ridge, Camp Dick and RMNP.  […]

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Midweek News – 08/22/07

Here are a few interesting stories to check out Splitterchoss has a couple of cool tidbits on climbing at Rifle. First is a post about a feature story done about climbing at Rifle Mountain Park in the Glenwood Post Independent. Second is news about a new guidebook for Western Colorado climbing that will feature updated […]

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