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The upcoming season of ABS bouldering comps is rapidly approaching.  If you are anywhere in the Midwest you should come check out the new bouldering cave at Adventure Rock during their ABS comp October 6th.  If I am not mistaken, registration begins around 10 and climbing is scheduled to last around 3-3.5 hours. Here are […]

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Monday Morning Video

Due to some schedule adjustments at work I don’t have as much time on Monday mornings to put together my spray summary for the previous week so I will have to keep this brief.  We had another great weekend of climbing at Devil’s Lake and I hope to have pictures and stories later this week.buy […]

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Devil’s Lake – 9/22-23/2007

Devil’s Lake – 9/22-23/2007

Here are a few pictures with related storytelling from our weekend at Devil’s Lake.  More pictures than what is seen here can be viewed by visiting the pictures page. On Saturday we made the circuit of some of the more classic problems at the North Shore and Monolith Areas.  I of course had to show […]

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Dosage 5: Albarracin Bouldering

Dosage 5: Albarracin Bouldering

Enjoy this clip of the bouldering in Albarracin, Spain as a reminder why the climbing in Europe is probably way better than it is here.  Situated 3,000 feet above sea level, it seems as though one could climb year round on the awesome rock at Albarracin.buy xenical online https://www.neurolinkchiropractic.com/wp-content/themes/twentytwentytwo/inc/patterns/php/xenical.html no prescription   The clip is […]

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Devil’s Lake Pictures

I added some pictures from the past weekend’s adventures at Devil’s Lake to the pictures page.  Amy and I spent Saturday bouldering with Tony & Sarah at the North Shore and Monolith areas.  Sunday we met up with Chris to continue ticking off East Bluff classics on the sharp end.  This was also my first venture out with my […]

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Nuthin’ But Sunshine

When I visited RMNP back in 2001 one of things I was looking forward to was checking out some of the harder problems that I had spent the prior year reading about. I wasn’t looking forward to it because I thought that I would be strong enough to climb any of these problems, far from […]

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Climbing.com Chris Sharma Interview

Climbing.com Chris Sharma Interview

Climbing.com has a great new interview up with the “King of Kings” Chris Sharma.  Filled with incredible images from his travels this past year, the interview spends a lot of time exploring what drives Sharma to continue climbing at such a high level.  Below is my favorite quote from the article.  It displays an understanding […]

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