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Bishop Bouldering: 365 Days Ago

Bishop Bouldering: 365 Days Ago

November 22, 2006Buttermilks, Bishop, CAHigh Plains Drifter    

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…or lack thereof.  Updates will be few and far between for the foreseeable future due to incipient hand pain brought on by excessive pounding on a keyboard.  Hopefully the situation will improve soon.  In the meantime I am looking for people to help pick up my slack in the posting department, direct inquires here or […]

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Video of Sonnie Trotter Climbing Cobra Crack 5.14

In June 2006, Sonnie Trotter made the first free ascent of Cobra Crack (5.14) in Sqamish, BC placing all the gear on lead.  While it may or may not be the hardest trad climb in the world, it certainly has to involve the most painful and difficult finger locks one can imagine. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McHosr_98r0]

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Trice Repeated Twice

Last week I somewhat jokingly was speculating on who would be first to repeat Jim Holloway’s Trice at Flagstaff Mountain after 30 years.  Yesterday the answer ended up being Carlo Traversi, however Jamie Emerson was quick to follow suit, repeating Trice shortly after Carlo did.  They both decided to give it the grade of V12.  […]

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Eiffel Tower Free Solo

Eiffel Tower Free Solo

On Monday, November 12, England’s Mike Robertson was arrested while soloing the outside of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France. He made it roughly 720 feet up the 1,063 foot tall monument before surrendering to Police. Mike carried out the stunt in an effort to raise awareness about the situation in Burma. You can read […]

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Incubator (V13) Video

Last week I had some news on Daniel Woods and Jon Cardwell quickly making the 2nd and 3rd ascents of Markus Schwaiger’s Incubator (V13) at Zillertal, Austria. Now you can see the video at MomentumVM. You can read a bit more about Markus’s FA of this Jerry Moffat project at PlanetMountain.

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Bouldering World Cup Coming to U.S.

Via B3Bouldering, we have news that a World Cup event will be held on U.S. soil for the first time in almost 20 years. It was announced yesterday that there will be a Bouldering World Cup event at the 2008 Teva Mountain Games June 4-8 in Vail, CO. More information on the event as well […]

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