Archive | November, 2012
Video Friday – 11/9/2012

Video Friday – 11/9/2012

The top rated videos of the past week

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Red River Gorge Update:  Woods Flashes 5.14+, Southern Smoke Direct Repeated & More – Updated

Red River Gorge Update: Woods Flashes 5.14+, Southern Smoke Direct Repeated & More – Updated

After the initial onslaught of 5.14+ repeats, onsights and flashes, the hard sends in the Red River Gorge continued over the past week.

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In Case You’re Also Out Of Hard Routes To Climb In Kentucky

What do you do if you’re Adam Ondra and none of the established routes at an area take you more than a few tries?  You bolt a new one of course.

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Training For Perfomance

Will Gadd:

If you “train” more than you do your sport then you’re probably confusing the reasons you train. Which is OK; “training” can be a sport.
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Crossfit is a sport in my mind, and I respect those athletes because they train with meaning and intensity and then (mostly) leave that in the gym.
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But there’s some dissonance between thinking you’re training for a sport and then never actually doing the sport you’re training for.
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Sound like anyone you know?

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Popular Posts & Videos For October 2012

Popular Posts & Videos For October 2012

The most popular posts and videos of October 2012

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Forest Woodward Red River Gorge Gallery

There have been a lot of words written about the Red River Gorge over the past two weeks but little visual media just yet.  While I suspect we’re in for a lot of videos in the weeks to come, this great photo gallery from Forest Woodward should hold you over until then.  I think my favorite is the one of Jimmy Webb on Fifty Words For Pump with Ashima Shiraishi climbing on Southern Smoke in the background.

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Video Friday – 11/2/2012

Video Friday – 11/2/2012

The top rated videos of the past week

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