Archive | April, 2012

Another 5.14c Onsight For Adam Ondra

Adam Ondra is up to his old tricks, onsighting a 5.14c1 and doing the FA of a 5.14d according to this update he put together for PlanetMountain.  But what is perhaps most interesting is his revelation in an interview with that he was only recently able to complete his first one arm pull-up.  Multiple 5.14c onsights and 5.15b redpoints, repeats of several boulders in the V15-16 range and only now does he have the strength to pull off a one arm.

  1.  Footage of Gabriele Moroni on the FA of that line can be seen here
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We’re All Beginners In Some Way

We’re All Beginners In Some Way

No matter how long we climb, there are always lessons to be learned

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Live Climbing On The Internet This Weekend

Live Climbing On The Internet This Weekend

If, for some reason, you’re not out climbing this weekend there are a couple notable comps taking place that will be broadcasting live online.

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Video Friday – 4/20/2012

Video Friday – 4/20/2012

The top five videos from the past week…

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Jason Kehl On Ashima Shiraishi’s Time In Hueco Tanks

Cool update from Jason Kehl about time spent in Hueco Tanks with Ashima Shiraishi:

I personally think grades are meaningless, a rough estimate. Ashima has proven this by taking everything we thought they new about grades and throwing it out the window.
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Its all about your perspective not about a number someone labeled the rock with.

Perhaps you’ve heard of her?

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Paul Robinson Repeats Paint It Black (V15)

Paul Robinson Repeats Paint It Black (V15)

Another day, another hard boulder repeated by Paul Robinson

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3rd Ascent Of Mirror Reality (V14)

3rd Ascent Of Mirror Reality (V14)

Paul Robinson reports on his Facebook page that he’s done the 3rd ascent after Daniel Woods and Jimmy Webb of Mirror Reality (V14) in RMNP.  Here are a couple more pictures of him on the problem and check out this short video a friend of Robinson’s put together for a flim contest that features him on one of his FA’s in Albarracin.

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