Video Friday – 9/16/2011

Video Friday – 9/16/2011

One week from today I’ll be on the ground in Burlington, VT for Unified Bouldering Championships’ finale, The North Face Open.  The fields for both the men and the women are starting to take shape and it should be an exciting time.  If there is anything you’ve always wanted to know about these comps let me know and I will do my best to try and cover that while I’m there.
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 I’ll be doing live blogs of some sort both Friday and Saturday so be sure to check back for that.
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On the paid video front, I posted a review of the 2011 Reel Rock Film Tour yesterday, and I have no fewer than four other movies waiting in the queue to be watched and reviewed.  At this rate I may never get out to do any actual real climbing, which is all I ever want to do when I’m done watching these things.
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 Then again, given my track record maybe it’s just as well I’m stuck inside watching climbing instead of actually doing it.

On the free video front, here are a few to get you psyched for the coming weekend of climbing:

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It’s starting to get legitimately cold at times here in Wisconsin, and I have to say that the psych is starting to come back!  Fall is almost here!  Have a great weekend everyone!

Posted In: Video Friday


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One Response to Video Friday – 9/16/2011

  1. Aaron Schneider September 17, 2011 at 10:51 pm #

    Holy crap, the mens line-up is ridiculous!  At least 4 climbers who’ve sent V15 and a bunch of other serious comp veterans.  Crazy.  All that’s missing is Woods and Sharma.

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