Archive | August, 2009

Pete Takeda Remembers Jonny Copp

Writing on the Cleanest Line blog, Pete Takeda remembers his friend Jonny Copp.

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Issue 6 OF Deadpoint Magazine Now Available

Issue 6 OF Deadpoint Magazine Now Available

Issue 6 of Deadpoint Magazine is now online and it looks like they have been listening to your feedback.

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Climbing Video: Hayden Kennedy On The Bachar-Yerian (5.11c R/X)

Climbing Video: Hayden Kennedy On The Bachar-Yerian (5.11c R/X)

Video of Hayden Kennedy climbing the iconic and runout Bachar-Yerian (5.11c X) in Tuolumne

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Climbing Video: Matt Wilder Sending The Path (5.14 R)

Climbing Video: Matt Wilder Sending The Path (5.14 R)

Footage of Matt Wilder doing the 3rd ascent of Sonnie Trotter’s The Path (5.14 R) at Lake Louise, Canada

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Climbing Videos: Alpine Climbing In Canada & Alaska

Climbing Videos: Alpine Climbing In Canada & Alaska

One of the trends in the online climbing world that’s gaining popularity is the self-filmed expedition report. While quality photographs of alpine expeditions make for great eye candy, they struggle to capture the full scope of what it’s like to be in the mountains. Fortunately for those of us stuck sitting at a desk climbers are more and more willing to carry a camcorder (increasingly HD to boot) in order to chronicle their trip for sponsors and/or general public enjoyment.

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Wall Street Journal John Bachar Article

Michael Ybarra writes excellent “extreme sports” articles for the Wall Street Journal, and his article about John Bachar is no exception.

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Tips For Climbing 5.12

Via Will Gadd is this excellent post that has several good tips on how to break through the 5.12 barrier (or any difficulty barrier in climbing for that matter).
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