Archive | January, 2009
News & Notes:  1/6/2009

News & Notes: 1/6/2009

News & Notes from Shawn Diamond, Alex Johnson, Matt Segal, Matt Wilder, Tim Clifford and much more…

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HP40 New Years Washout

HP40 New Years Washout

Our trip to HP40 in Alabama wasn’t a complete wash, but as far as climbing was concerned it sure felt like it. Before we left I didn’t feel all that prepared, and it showed once we started climbing on the beautiful first day of 2009. Last week I posted a short list of problems I wanted to send, but a combination of lack of enthusiam, lack of strength and lack of skin combined to prevent me from sending any of the problems

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Top 10 Posts Of 2008 On

Top 10 Posts Of 2008 On

The 10 most popular posts of 2008 on

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Alabama’s Crag X Update

Alabama’s Crag X Update

A few weeks back I posted about a secret crag that the Southeastern Climber’s Coalition was attempting to purchase.  At the time, the name of the crag was being withheld until plans were finalized.  At the Triple Crown event at the Stone Fort it was revealed that the area being purchased is a sport and […]

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