35 RMNP Bouldering Videos To Increase Psych For Upcoming Park Season

35 RMNP Bouldering Videos To Increase Psych For Upcoming Park Season

The 2007 Summer bouldering season in Rocky Mountain National Park was one that will undoubtedly be looked back on as one of the most prolific in the short history of bouldering in the Park.
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By my unofficial count there were at least 7 V11 or harder new problems established and over 30 repeats of those problems. Aided by a plethora of world class boulderers like Daniel Woods, Ty Landman, Paul Robinson, Sean McColl, Dave Graham, Tony Lamiche and others spending extended amounts of time, the number of double digit problems climbed was astounding.

Coming into the season last year, the problem on everyone’s mind was the so-called Green 45 project that Daniel Woods would later call Jade (V15) after his FA in June. It was repeated in short order by Ty Landman and Paul Robinson (pictured at left courtesy of Steve Woods). Other notable new problems from last year were Paul Robinson’s Don’t Get Too Greedy (V13) and Nick Sherman’s Wildcat (V12). Women also had a good year with Ashley Lloyd becoming (I think) the first woman to climb a V12 in the Park with her repeat of Super Kind.

It seems doubtful that this upcoming season will be as productive with no Jade-like projects on the horizon and Daniel Woods in Europe and Paul Robinson in South Africa half the summer.
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Hopefully the below videos will help get your juices flowing for whatever project you have in mind, wherever it may be.

Due to the size of the list and poor load times with all the videos on one page, I split them up into 4 separate pages for your enjoyment:

Miscellaneous RMNP Bouldering Videos

Daniel Woods RMNP Bouldering Videos

Ty Landman RMNP Bouldering Videos

Jamie Emerson RMNP Bouldering Videos

Problems featured include (ranging from V5 to V15): Jade, Freaks of the Industry, Don’t Get Too Greedy, Aslan, Nuthin’ But Sunshine, Gang Bang, Suicide Seasons, Two Ton Tongue, Next Friday, Dead Racoon, Friday The 13th, Riddles in the Park, Power Of Ten, Lone Star, Left El Jorge, Stripes, Bulgin’ Out, Wildcat, Hydratwist, Automator, Secret Splendour, The Aristocrat, Handi-Capps, Centaur, Tommy’s Arete, Both Sides of the Spectrum, Right El Jorge, Skipper Roof, Skyscraper Left, Gobot, Freshly Squeezed, Veritas Sit Start, The Werewolf, Golden Rows of Flows, Reternia, Sunspot, Weeping Willow, Stranger in a Strange Land, Kind Traverse, Super Kind, White Wizard and Whispers Arete

Climbers featured include: Daniel Woods, Ty Landman, Jamie Emerson, Dave Graham, Seth Allred, Sean McColl, Jeff Landman, Jackie Chiddo, Luke Parady, Nick Sherman, Angie Payne, Harry Robertson, Ryan Olson, Mike Feinberg, Isaac Caldiero, Simon Moore, Paul Robinson, Giovanni Traversi, Ashley Lloyd, Kelly McBride and lat but certainly not least, Justin Jaeger.

Last year I made a few predictions about the Colorado alpine bouldering season that proved to be true. Look for 2008 to be the year of the female climber in the Park…

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6 Responses to 35 RMNP Bouldering Videos To Increase Psych For Upcoming Park Season

  1. Tony May 6, 2008 at 4:38 pm #

    what about that last little prediction slipped in on the end there?

    GD Star Rating
  2. The Narc May 7, 2008 at 6:51 am #

    Still working on that one…

    GD Star Rating
  3. TimS May 7, 2008 at 11:09 am #

    What’s the deal with easier stuff in RMNP?  I climb up to V9/10 – is there enough good stuff there up to this range to warrant a couple of weeks visit from the UK?

    GD Star Rating


  1. Bouldering in Rocky Mountain National Park « The Adventurist - May 9, 2008

    […] videos, ache to get out yourself–or ache afterwards, you will love this post. Head over to Climbing Narc and tell him I sent you. Enjoy the […]

  2. News & Notes | Climbing Narcissist - May 13, 2008

    […] Paul Robinson recently added a V13 he calls Mendax to the Veritas boulder at RMNP.  You can see a few pictures of Paul climbing Veritas at the Sock Hands blogsite.  You can see videos of 3 of the 6 notable Veritas boulder problems at the RMNP video page. […]

  3. Johnson, Puccio & Payne Crushing V12 In Colorado | Climbing Narcissist - September 5, 2008

    […] RMNP Bouldering Videos […]

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