Last week Tony Lamiche made the 5th ascent of Daniel Woods’s Mt. Evans, CO testpiece Ode to the Modern Man (V14). You can see video of the send by clicking here.
He also has a very cool personal website with some great photos of himself, Matt Wilder, Dave Graham and Ty Landman climbing at Mt. Evans and RMNP. The translation is a bit garbled on google but it would also appear that Tony is having some problems with his back? Doesn’t seem to be slowing him down too much.
Seems possible that Jade (V15) could see its number of ascents double in the next few weeks?
Tony Lamiche on Veritas
Thanks to Dr. Topo for the tip
Near as i can tell, on day 16 they went to Jade but were tired or hot from the hike so they did nothing but sunshine.
Then on day13, he refers to his back being stiff or something again, but says that it’s ok on face climbs
Wait until you tell your parents that all that French education is finally paying off!
you should tell them just how well i translated that so that we have a better shot at making it down for the roctrip
Also after reading the whole thing he says that he has some type of lower back pain.