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Climbers: Andy Rodriguez, Ben Scott, Brad Jackson, Chris Thorndike, Francis Sanzarro, Herm Feisner, Jay Shambo, Jeremy Bisher, Jeremy Everett, Jim Belcer, Joe Donnelly, Mark Patterson, Mike Auldridge, Mike Mangino, Pat Goodman, Ryan Anglemeyer, Tom Blackford, Travis Shipman, Will LeMaire
Areas: Arthur's Rock, Eldorado Canyon, Flagstaff Mountain, Flatirons, Horsetooth Reservoir, Lumpy Ridge, Poudre Canyon, Red Feather Lakes
The editing and music of the first 7 minutes made me feel
like I was watching an early 90s History Channel doc about alien
Don’t miss the totally dope-sick-rad dyno segment!
God that’s about as boring as 10 hours of HEYEAYEAYEAYEAYEAH
anyone know the problem at 43.41?
I’m pretty sure that is one that Cameron Cross put up a few years ago as a big double clutch. I don’t know the name or the grade, only that it was said to be very hard, classic, and scary. It is on the Big Oyster boulder in Poudre Canyon.
awesome. thanks!
found out its called “the beckoning silence”, unrated, in the bennet scott and cameron cross poudre canyon guidebook. cheers!
Good to see what good rock, and good dope can produce. Marc LeBlonde still getting out? Awesome. Jeremy still a strong ass freak?