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Climbers: Dave Graham
Areas: Nicky's Boulders
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i’m seizing
Alizee Dufraisse
Someone please Supplement this Seizure Cinematography with Stable hands
What a terrible video!! Several minutes of the standard fast-motion drive up to the crag in the car, followed by a half dozen name drop cameos of other guys all falling off the problem once each. The actual send was nice, but marred by the fact that the video is 7 minutes long and shot entirely in the seizure inducing effect referenced above.
Don’t be such a baby.
Some of us like to see glimpses into the personalities of the climbers.
I rather enjoyed it
You would enjoy anything with Dave Graham.
You are an astute observer of this site
This video is high-defintion free media of an amazing problem in a picturesque setting, yet people still complain somehow. No one is forced to watch this film, free-will applies…
Dougie…. RIP
How does Dave Graham drive an Audi?
Toe hook drop knee? GTFO of town. Wizardry.
Seriously, I can’t wait to try that shit.
dave graham drives an audi bc he is on a trustfund. what, you don’t have one?
It couldn’t have anything to do with his success as a professional climber could it?