| Video Source | ClimbingNarc Video Page
I didnt know there was climbing in Australia other than the grampians…now i know.
and knowing is half the battle
a real pretentious dude. but pretty cool climbing
This like raised my Chi level like totally dudes
The climbing community really needs to get on the same page soundtrack wise
nah this trance crap can stay in the shadows
thought this was pretty cool… I am curious to know how much of this was shot on a gopro. Although I thought the aerial shots were a bit overdone (albeit great shots). Seems like a good example of what one can do with ‘beginner’ cinematography equip.
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I didnt know there was climbing in Australia other than the grampians…now i know.
and knowing is half the battle
a real pretentious dude. but pretty cool climbing
This like raised my Chi level like totally dudes
The climbing community really needs to get on the same page soundtrack wise
nah this trance crap can stay in the shadows
thought this was pretty cool… I am curious to know how much of this was shot on a gopro. Although I thought the aerial shots were a bit overdone (albeit great shots). Seems like a good example of what one can do with ‘beginner’ cinematography equip.