kid is a machine. not to be negative, but it’s just too bad he looks like such a goober. i seriously believe that will keep him from becoming as popular as say sharma.
While I might agree he doesn’t have the ‘style’ of his elder peers, he’s friggin 18! He hardly knows what style is at this point.
To reason that his popularity will be dictated by his looks instead of his abilities prompts the question of whether you’ve graduated from junior high yet.
How is that an onsight? I’m just wondering how the draws got up there before him. Did he get one of his buddies to put the draws up for him so that he could onsight the route or are they just fixed on this particular route? Anyway, super proud!
Somebody else raised this question but I had to remove their comment since their chosen screen name was less than appropriate.
For me personally I think that ideally an onsight would be hanging the draws, but the reality is that this isn’t always possible and not having prior knowledge of the route (i.e. specific beta) is what really matters.
I don’t disagree at all. Either way it’s rad. I just know from my own experience that it’s a bit harder to os at your limit if you also have to hang the draws by yourself. It’s just interesting to know how it actually goes does down in the professional climbing world.
Adam: “Hey, camera guy, while you are aiding this route so that you can get to the top and get some sick footage of me, would you, please, leave the quick draws on every bolt?”
Camera guy: “No problem, kid! Just make sure to go take a quick powernap somewhere, so that you don’t accidentally get any bad beta from me!”
Was that .14c or 11b???
kid is a machine. not to be negative, but it’s just too bad he looks like such a goober. i seriously believe that will keep him from becoming as popular as say sharma.
ur an idiot.
Sorry, let me be a little more eloquent….
While I might agree he doesn’t have the ‘style’ of his elder peers, he’s friggin 18! He hardly knows what style is at this point.
To reason that his popularity will be dictated by his looks instead of his abilities prompts the question of whether you’ve graduated from junior high yet.
How is that an onsight? I’m just wondering how the draws got up there before him. Did he get one of his buddies to put the draws up for him so that he could onsight the route or are they just fixed on this particular route? Anyway, super proud!
Somebody else raised this question but I had to remove their comment since their chosen screen name was less than appropriate.
For me personally I think that ideally an onsight would be hanging the draws, but the reality is that this isn’t always possible and not having prior knowledge of the route (i.e. specific beta) is what really matters.
Not to mention many modern day sport routes have fixed draws or someone leaves draws on the climb. Honestly who cares! It’s sport climbing!
I don’t disagree at all. Either way it’s rad. I just know from my own experience that it’s a bit harder to os at your limit if you also have to hang the draws by yourself. It’s just interesting to know how it actually goes does down in the professional climbing world.
Adam: “Hey, camera guy, while you are aiding this route so that you can get to the top and get some sick footage of me, would you, please, leave the quick draws on every bolt?”
Camera guy: “No problem, kid! Just make sure to go take a quick powernap somewhere, so that you don’t accidentally get any bad beta from me!”
Someone get this guy a tan. Sick climb though.