Alex Honnold, writing for La Sportiva about his solo of three walls in Zion in a day back in March:
I could write several different essays about the day; it’s given me a ton to think about. One would be how funny it is that climbing media didn’t even touch the story and that no one seems to care about it. Soloing Astroman and the Rostrum in 2007 generated all kinds of news and video bits. This Zion link up, which is infinitely harder and more cutting edge, doesn’t get mentioned. That’s what I get for soloing too much.
I guess I’ll forgive him for not seeing my post about the day. Or Climbing’s article about it. But yeah, other than that he might actually have a point considering how much publicity most of his scrambling garners these days? But then again, isn’t he usually the first one to say all of this is “no big deal”?