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Michael Reardon Update

Not looking good…More clear details from climbing.com: Michael Reardon, 36, the accomplished free soloist based out of Oak Park, California, went missing off the southwestern coast of Ireland around 5 p.m. Friday. He had just completed a climb near the Valentia Marine Radio Station, on the small island of Valentia, when a rogue wave took […]

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Climber Michael Reardon Missing

This is sort of messed up.  I was thinking yesterday about writing up a post on how I figured one day I would be reading about how this guy died, but I didn’t expect it this soon and I didn’t expect it like it has apparently gone down.  For those that don’t know who Michael […]

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Ty Landman Videos

Here are a few new videos of Ty Landman doing his thing. The Antihero (V13) – Sit start to Flash Gordon (V10) in the Ozarks of Arkansas. Flash Gordon starts on the slopey rail apparently. Dreamtime (V14) – The always classic testpiece in Cresciano that he pretty much floats up (after 3.5 days of work). […]

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Dog Days of Summer

It’s been a slower than normal week as far as things to spray about are concerned.  A few tidbits here and there that I could expound upon later this week like Dave Graham’s most recent .14d FA getting quickly repeated by a 16 year old or DG’s attempts on Realization (prediction is that he will […]

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Now Playing

Lots of good video action going around right now.  Here are some to check out: B3bouldering is all about the chaos canyon Gang Bang Arete – Jamie has a new take on an old classic.  I have actually tried this problem and gotten shutdown like a punting fool…must return… Riddles in the Park – really cool […]

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Climbing Cribs

This has been out for a while now but if you haven’t see it you really should.  It is a hilarious video of Jason Kehl’s craggin’ wagon/crib.  Click here to check it out.   Technorati Tags: Jason Kehl, Climbing Videos

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Youth Nationals

I am back from the SCS Youth National Championships in Ann Arbor, MI. The event was an enjoyable experience. You can check out the results here. In no particular order here are some random thoughts on the weekend: I know our kids probably were hoping to climb better than they did. It is easy to […]

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