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Video Friday – 12/12/14

The highest rated videos of the past week…

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Video Friday – 12/5/2014

The highest rated videos of the past week…

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Adam Ondra Climbs His 100th 5.14d Or Harder


Other than the sheer absurdity of the number, what I find most interesting about this is that Ondra did his first 5.14d way back in 2006 when he was just 13.  Since then a number of incredible young climbers have come along – Enzo Oddo, Ashima Shiraishi, Mirko Caballero  to name just a few – but Ondra’s record in all aspects of climbing is really unmatched.  Incredible.

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Give The Gift Of Access

Word on the street is that now is a big time of year for buying things, so if we’re all going to be buying things why not give the gift of Access this holiday season?

The Access Fund has their annual Holiday Pack for sale right now which comes with a slew of great schwag1, or you could  just go for the $35 annual membership which comes with, you know, the gift of access.

  1.  The T-shirt with the Fred Nicole painting on it is pretty cool
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Video Friday – 11/28/2014

The highest rated videos of the past week

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Alex Puccio Sends Black Lung (V13)

The Year of The Pooch™ continues…

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Jimmy Webb Defies Gravity

Jimmy Webb does the 2nd ascent of one of Colorado’s hardest boulder problems

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