Rifle’s Best 5.11

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[vimeo http://vimeo.com/28069498 w=980&h=551]

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Posted In: Sport Climbing

9 Responses to Rifle’s Best 5.11

  1. Nuance September 2, 2011 at 3:44 pm #

    Really…?Is this really happening…? WTF is this sport coming to…You wonder why climbing in the U.S. is where it is…so sad… Just tell me this…why do we need to see this…? Please enlighten me…if it’s an exercise in video editing okay…got it…but do you need to post every school project on international media outlets? I just don’t get it…

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    • Tyler September 3, 2011 at 1:47 am #

      hahah are you really that upset? You’re complaining about a video someone made and put on the internet. No one is forcing you to watch it. If you don’t like it, that’s fine. It wasn’t made for you anyway. There’s no need to exclaim that this video is a prime example of “why climbing in the U.S. is where it is.” What does that even mean?

      In any case, stop being so condescending and irritable. Everyone will feel better.

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  2. Nuance September 3, 2011 at 4:13 pm #

    No…I’m not upset in the least…but it’s not just a video someone put on the internet…the first 20 seconds of this video are paid advertisements…it’s not just a video someone made of a friend and decided to throw it up on youtube or vimeo…It’s a paid, sponsor driven video of someone dropping F-bombs while climbing 11a…really…? maybe, just once someone might ask the question…why are we filming this…? Doesn’t the model ever wonder…why are they filming me…? does anyone need to see this…how many people have spent years working through the grades plugging along without ever even thinking about capturing their first 11a redpoint on film and then stuffing it full of sponsor promos…So glad climbing is making it’s way into the mainstream…I am waiting for the blog to appear so I can follow the quest for the 12a redpoint…or better yet maybe she should shack up with one of the big boys and then she can ramble on about their doings…and to address you directly Tyler…what it means is that in the U.S. we are years behind…Years…and if you don’t agree…you haven’t traveled enough…and you haven’t climbed with the true elite of the sport…

    GD Star Rating
    • Why??? September 3, 2011 at 4:29 pm #


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    • Tyler September 4, 2011 at 1:18 am #

      My question for you is, why shouldn’t that have been filmed? Why? I can’t figure out what your reasons are.

      Surely you’re not condemning this random video simply because its of someone climbing 11a (“… really?”). Because that would just make you kind of a dick. Who are you to judge other people’s achievements? How do you know she didn’t work twice as hard on that route as you did on your sick 8b+ proj? Referring to any specific grade, whether it be 5.7 or 8a, as inconsequential is preposterous, because climbing is such an individual sport.

      Perhaps you’re upset because this video is a sign that climbing is becoming more and more mainstream? Still kind of silly. Who are you to judge who should and shouldn’t participate in anything, let alone climbing? What’s wrong with climbing becoming mainstream? Perhaps it broadens the range of types of people who climb, and you don’t like some of those people. So what? no one is forcing you to pay attention to them. Maybe it means they’ll (god forbid) make more videos like this one. As I said before, you made the conscious choice to watch this video.

      And as for the U.S. being “years behind,” you didn’t answer my question. What does that mean? Years behind in what? Grades? Because you talk like the goddamn apocalypse is coming because “the U.S. is years behind.” I must first say that regardless of your intended meaning of that phrase, it means nothing. Climbing is an individual sport. I don’t know about you, but I don’t climb to push U.S. climbing forward. I climb because it’s fun. Even the “true elite” don’t climb for their country. You don’t hear Sharma saying he’s climbing for America, (or for spain, for that matter) he climbs for himself, or for the climbing community as a whole. Why separate us into countries when no one (except maybe you) cares which country is the “best.” Climbing is fun. Stop worrying about grades and stop being so condescending and stop listening to random people like me who try to tell you what climbing should be about and just go climb some rocks, man.

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  3. David Reifert September 3, 2011 at 7:59 pm #

    Go to 1:53, close your eyes, and hit play…..

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    • Billy September 5, 2011 at 4:44 pm #

      hahaha. you win.

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  4. Aaron S September 5, 2011 at 10:41 am #

    Tyler, I agree with you that there is nothing wrong with putting up a video about an 11a (actually, it’s pretty sweet, cuz that’s about what my girlfriend climbs). The whole bit about the US being far being Europe has little to do with this video, as far as I can tell.

    However, what Nuance does have a point on is that this is a sponsored video by the people that are supposed to be touting climbing. Attaching sex appeal to anything is always a good way to sell, but perhaps there could have been a lot more of an effort into making this both well intentioned and, erm, visually appealing.

    Take a step back, pretend you know little about the sport of climbing. 11a won’t mean much to you, all you see is a very attractive blonde girl grunting under physical effort. Instead of the normal “I’m going to try and climb this 11a route, which is hard for me!” you have “I climbed it already!” Seriously? The problem with the video is that I learned absolutely nothing about the route itself and only know that there is some hot chick out their climbing. Which, again, wouldn’t be a problem at all, except it is sponsored.

    A little more effort in the interviewing would have gone a long way. For example, talking about why the route is so good (as the title of the video suggests), what sort of efforts Ciara put in for the send, something about how Rifle is a beta-intensive climbing area, etc. Any of this would have made the video more interesting and meaningful to watch.

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  5. Guest October 13, 2011 at 5:45 pm #

    she’s hot

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